
Question about running the mile?

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In p.e. class when we run the mile (two times a week) I can run the first whole lap then I have to walk the curves then run the long sides. Does this mean i'm in too bad of shape to join track this summer, if I can't even run a mile without walking? (it takes me about 11 minutes and 30 seconds to run the mile)




  1. Biggest thing is how old you are. I'm not gonna lie thats pretty bad but thats all the more you can improve.

  2. Well, don't worry so much about time right now, just focus on finishing the mile without walking. Run lots before or after school, on weekends, or whenever you can. And also be aware of other events that you could be better in (maybe a shorter one or something)

    Good luck! :)

  3. no, you cannot join track for the are way to slow

  4. yea sorry your waaaay to slow. you need to be averaging at least a 6 min. mile and thats still no great

  5. well for track, that's a slow time, but u can improve. u just cant stop. U have to urge urself to run the whole thing and u can do it!

  6. Youre in bad shape, but you have to start somewhere. Join track and train all summer

  7. What grade are you in??  When I was in 7th grade I couldn't break a 10 minute mile, so I quit track after my 8th grade year bc I always got last in meets.  I enjoyed running, just not getting embaressed at meets, so I started running 3 days a week at the rec. center in town, and now as a Sr. I run a 6:00 mile and I can almost break into the 5's.  If you are committed to it and like to run, don't give up on it.

  8. 11 mins? no offence but thats bad.. most good high schoolers get 4:20s

    edit: im so sorry! i didnt realize you were female and 15! that changes everything! i mean if your just doing it for school and all thats good but in a race a solid time for a freshman girl is about 6-7. i rarely see better but yeah im sorry 4 20 is by guys that are seniors

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