
Question about sewing?

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Since i dont have a sewing machine is it okay to sew by hand?

Home furnishings things.

Pillow covers, blanket covers, curtains and so on.

Is this a dumb idea to do this by hand?

I know it might take me a while but i have no clue where to buy a sewing machine and how to use it.




  1. of course it is ok to sew by hand, if you learn to sew well and make garments you could sell them! soft furnishings which are hand made are also good to sell. If you are interested in learning how to sew and how to use a sewing machine, look for evening classes at your local college/schools. I did many a sewing course and it's a skill for life! plus, you will meet like minded people and before you know it you will have lots of people to help you out!

  2. A sewing machine will make the work so much easier that you are more likely to finish these project with a machine.

    Sewing machines are easy to use and if well maintained will last MANY years. My wife uses a machine we bought 25 years ago.

    Hand sewing is fine for very small projects but learning to sew with a machine is not hard and if you buy one from a sewing machine shop they often includes lessons on how to use it.

    Good Luck

  3. Even when I owned a sewing machine I would frequently sew things by hand, even whole outfits for my daughter and her best friend.  Just be sure you make your stitches even and that the tension on the thread is the same throughout the 'seam' or 'hem' you are doing, and ALWAYS be sure to measure the fabric twice before you cut and start to sew.  People may think you are 'weird' but they will also ADMIRE the work you do, because these days most people can't even sew on a simple button or mend a tear in a seam.  I taught ALL of my kids to sew, and even to knit, crochet, and embroider ... and of the four of them three were boys.  A gift I received from my daughter in law one Christmas was 'extra special' because it was a small embroidered pillow that said 'Mom' on it in satin stitch on satin fabric.  My daughter in law was SO PROUD when she told me it was her very FIRST project, and that it had been my husband who taught her how!

  4. Sure, you can sew by hand.  It's been done that way for thousands of years.  It's slower than by machine, but you can produce a good quality product as long as you keep your stitches uniform.

    If you do want to consider a sewing machine, I'd suggest the following faq: and checking to see if your library has a copy of John Giordano's The Sewing Machine Book.

  5. Honey, that's how it got done before machines.

    A dumb idea?  Well - how much experience and patience do you have?  Start small, like with a pair of pillowcases.  Also, if you live near a senior center with a sewing class, you'll find a whole raft of eager teachers.  Most senior centers welcome younger students, very often at no charge.

  6. it's perfectly fine to sew by hand, as long as the stitches are really close together (so as not to have any holes, or possibility of holes).

    I find it easiest to make pillows, for some reason, though curtains would also be pretty simple, if it's a basic design.

    I'm sorry I can't answer this question completely, but I've only ever made rather large pillows...

    And no, it is NOT a dumb idea to do by hand.

    You can find sewing machines at places like hobby lobby, Michael's, I once found a mini one at Target, but I haven't gotten it to work yet...they're pretty difficult to figure out...
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