
Question about sexual attraction between g*y and straight people? ?

by Guest56465  |  earlier

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Today I was out and met a g*y couple (males). There were really friendly and nice people and we chatted awhile. Although we all got along good (I was there with my kids), the one guy had alot of s*x appeal and I we just clicked with personality too.

My question is in regards to his reaction to me. He leaned in when talking to me, gave eye contact, talked to me alot while ignoring others, and even touched me a few times while talking. All the signs that a guy usually gives when attracted to me. I was extremely confused and he is right there with his partner.

What would your assessment of that situation be?




  1. When I like a person and we click personality wise, I do all the things you have mentioned. It is not sexual attraction, but energy attraction.

    Of course it leads to misunderstandings, but it need not to if taken for what it is worth.

  2. I think it's just his way of interacting.  I wouldn't read much into it.  Lots of g*y guys I know are very attentive and not inhibited about casual touching in the course of a conversation.  

  3. My personal experience with g*y guys is that's just how they act normally. Don't go getting a crush on him...if he's g*y and he's got a partner, he's clearly off-limits.

  4. It could be one of several things:

    A)  He is interested in you as a friend only

    B)  He is bi and has an open relationship with his partner

    C)  He is bi and cheats on his partner

    D)  He is just trying to make his partner jealous for some reason and you were the perfect opportunity

  5. The g*y guys I know are just like that.  They're really comfortable with who they are and tend to either spill confidence on to others or make themselves too open.  

    If he's trully g*y, then he most likely was trying to get a sense of how "FABULOUS" you are!!!  

  6. Not all men in homosexual relationships are g*y, some are bisexual -- such persons might be interested in women also.  On the other hand, I could be viewed as flirty with everyone (male and female) which has, at various points in the past been totally misconstrued by straight women - to my horror and anger.  I simply couldn't understand how someone could view my being friendly as being an invitation to s*x or a relationship, when I make no bones about being g*y.

    So, it could depend on the man and whether he is bi or g*y (I'm g*y) -- I would suggest asking point blank.



  7. It is possible that he is bisexual.

    But even if he is bi, it means that he isn't faithful.  

    Do you really want to start a relationship with someone who not only cheats, but would try to pick someone up that openly?

  8. hrmm.

    well, i think most of "g*y" guys are just bi actually but it's really hard to tell.

    I wouldn't think too much about it.

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