
Question about shopping in asia?

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Okay well I am going to some places in asia this summer.

I am going to Jakarta, Indonesia and Taiwan, Taipai. I am looking to shop at stores like louis vuitton, chanel and some other stores. Everything is very cheap in Jakarta and they have these stores. I am just wondering if these brand name companys will sell way cheaper than U.S or just regular price but in indonesia dollar (rupees) ??

If you have any examples of these cheap prices or websites I can look that would be great.




  1. Forget it.

    Almost everything is cheap in Jakarta except imported goods. All brand names you mentioned above are not cheaper in Jakarta. Queit possibly, they are more expensive compare to US. Unless you buy fake ones.

    Jakarta is cheaper for food and local goods. Also cheaper to buy pirated software, dvd, movies, songs etc.

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