
Question about slazenger golf clubs?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i dont golf very often at all. Im looking to get a new set of golf clubs but i dont want to spend a ton since i dont go out very often. I saw a set of slazenger extreme golf clubs at a local sporting good store running for a couple hundred. Has anyone ever used these golf clubs? or does anyone else know anything about these clubs?




  1. Probably fine for your limited usage.  But another good place to look is at Golf Galaxy and Golfsmith in the "used" club area.  There you could get some really top of the line equipment for much less than new.

  2. The Slazenger brand was purchased by d**k's Sporting Goods a year or two ago. Since then it has become a house brand and in my mind lost a lot of what made it special.

    For someone in your situation, I would suggest you browse a few of the discount online retailers for an idea of what's available and at what prices.

    Rock Bottom Golf ( offers a good selection at a wide variety of prices, and is my favorite of the bunch. Use coupon code Slick10Off to take 10% off your order total if you find something you can use.

  3. Middle of the road club. Not tour caliber by any means but you really can't beat that price. Sounds like these sticks are perfect for someone like yourself.

  4. You saw them at ***** Sporting goods?  Theyre ok, a good set for beginners.  You get 2 hybrids too!?!

  5. Good clubs. No one would think you're an amateur because of your clubs. If you would rather, check out you can find some stuff there that might suit your needs. It is really much better to buy good clubs used than mediocre clubs new.

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