
Question about smoking?

by Guest32141  |  earlier

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Why is it that I mostly smoke 1 cigarette every hour or 2 but often I can sit down and smoke 3 or 4 in an hour and enjoy every puff.

What causes us to sometimes chain smoke.

At lunch I smoke 3 cigs and I always smoke 2 in a row right after work.




  1. Most likely you are using it to numb yourself. Smoking tends to numb our emotions, much like emotional eating or emotional exercising.

    I would bet that if you stop and look at those times you are chain smoking, it was a harder day than other days.

    Besides, you have smoked for so long that your body is always happy to get more of the chemicals from cigarettes in. Every hour or two is a huge habit as it is, and smoking a few more in that time frame isn't much different.

    I could try to explain how you smell to others, how it's aging you faster, how you are killing yourself off, but you don't seem interested in truly quitting.

    The more you smoke like this, the faster it will destroy your life. I know you don't think you are hurting anyone, but there will come a time when you pay for it all with your health and then all the rest will have to pay more into the goverment to pay for your full time medical care. It's going to be a great burden on many to try to pay more into the government for all those who are chain smoking right now.

    But, no one can make another person stop. Be careful with this emotional chain smoking, it will only get worse.  

  2. Quit it, Laura. I am quitting it since 4-15 after smoking over 32 years. Smoking will damage your body.

    Good luck.

  3. that's because ur already addicted to smoking

  4. Hi Laura!

    The longer we smoke, the greater tolerance we have for nicotine. Back when we first started, chainsmoking several cigarettes would make us sick. Now we could smoke 24/7 if we wanted! (I wish I had the time and freedom to do that!"

    I am like you. I like to chainsmoke sometimes. In the morning, with coffee, nothing is better. At lunch, after work, or with alcohol - all good times and reasons to chainsmoke! Every once in a while, if I haven't smoked in a while, I will smoke two at once just for the heck of it.

    How old were you when you started?

  5. The brain can actually learn and then predict and accomodate your nicotine usage throughout the day. Note, for example, that most smokers don't smoke for eight hours at night, but would experience withdrawal symptoms of they tried to go without for eight hours during the day. What's more, I noticed when I smoked that if I had a cigarette in the middle of the night, it would keep me awake because I wasn't accustomed to it. If you get in the habit of smoking more at a given time of day, e.g., two or three cigarettes in a row, your brain will come to expect the extra nicotine. It won't make you uncomfortable and you may come to expect and be dependent on it. You can also smoke more at certain times because of external factors, for example, if you've been some place where you couldn't smoke and your nicotine levels dropped. I'm not sure what the relationship between food and smoking is, but I do know that you tend to want to do it after you've eaten.

  6. Hey, Laura.  Aside from the non-smokers, who are right that it is in our best interest to quit, smokers smoke more during certain activities.  I smoke more when driving alone, after work, and when bored.  I believe, in my case it is a function of having nothing else to do with myself or my hands and during changes from one activity to another.  I have been quiting for 40 years and even tho I know it will kill me eventually, I continue to smoke.  Yep, makes no sense does it?

  7. Thats because you decide to smoke another cigarrette.

    Cmon take some responsibility for your actions.

    I cant believe you even ask this like its some other force making you smoke another.

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