
Question about smoking...??

by  |  earlier

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my dad smokes about 7 times a day...ya i know it sucks!!

hes the only person who smokes in our family...but he only smokes in the washroom upstairs that is his,,,after he smokes in that washroom he turns on the fan to take all the smell away...i don't mean the fan you guys r is this fan in the washroom....

also he than shuts the washroom door so the smell can go away.

And also he smokes outside 2, he smokes then comes right in.

does that all still affect me & my family a lot?

And is it true if your a good dancer/singer/actor and someone smokes in ur it true you ll start getting sucky at those 3 talents??

iunno..i just heard that lol.

anyways i hope u get what im saying guys.





  1. From what you are describing as far as all the steps your dad is taking to protect the rest of his family from the smoke, I don't see how his smoking could possibly affect you in any way.

    Frankly, if he is only smoking 7 cigarettes a day, he's not really hurting himself horribly either... assuming he's otherwise healthy.

  2. Should be ok.  Tell your dad thanks for taking care of ya'll.

  3. It sounds like your dad is being very considerate of his family with his bad habit.  

    And with all the cautions he is taking to prevent the smoke from lingering in the house, your family shouldn't be in any danger at all.  

    I'd be more concerned about your dad getting lung cancer than I would about you not being able to make it as a singer/dancer/actor because of very very very little, or if any amounts of second hand smoke

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