
Question about soul mates .. please help?

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Ok.. I truly believe I met my soul mate.. every time I see her or just hear her voice its like nothing I was doing in my life mattered before, its like I'm just in the now and I feel so free and feel like I can do whatever I put my mind to like I can fly ! Is this normal ? I feel like I'm crazy sometimes lol.... I cant even bare not being with her sometimes, its like once I get a piece of what life is like with her once I go back to my life its just not the same! Is this a good thing ? Help please I feel crazy lol




  1. That's all good, but if she leaves you then what will you hear?  Don't let it be your entire world.

  2. Soul mates... haha well it could be but only u know how u feel. In my experience w/ them it can be a beautiful thing but end very very ugly. They can take ur heart and eat it and it takes forever to recover from so becareful!!

    Go w/ ur heart whats the worst that can happen?? Oh ya she can eat it and not give a sh*t... have fun w/ that hope urs ends better than mine!

  3. You are in love.  What ever happens, however it works out remember and enjoy this feeling.  Go with it because even if you should get your heart broken, hearts heal better than you think snd it is ever so worth it.  Love is the one and only true magic in this world so experinece it to the absolute fullest.  I am very happy for you, dear.  Long Live Love.

  4. you are in love and yes this is normal this how me and my husband feel about eachother

  5. You're in the giddy early stages of being in love. It's normal to feel a little crazy then.

    You won't know she's your soulmate, though, till things have calmed down enough for you to really get to know her, and you guys have been through some things together.

  6. your in love or lust..only time will tell if it is true love or not..lust often mirrors love and will confuse you.  

  7. You are in love that is natural to feel that way, but you need to take a step back, because if anything was to happen between you two the high you feel now will turn to a major low.

  8. You are in love!!!  : )

  9. Concept of a soul is a christian concept. Are you a christian? What are your Views on s*x? Do you believe one partner for life? If you do be carefull. You have indeed fallen in love which should not be mistaken with true love which i believe is as much a decision as a feeling. This feeling will die down and then you will know if you have love

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