
Question about <span title="clomid?????????????????????????/////?">clomid???????????????????...</span>

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is clomid effective?????i read a magazine it says that clomid is not effective,i take clomid every 3rd day of my menstruation,me and my husband trying me to conceive.....but until now there is no effect?????????what is the most effective pills or vitamins to increase sperm?????thanks....




  1. clomid is effective,trust me i know becz one of my friend conceived twins on it &amp; i m being told to take it by my doctor in my coming doctor is a world renowned fertility specialist &amp; damm expensive,so when he priscribes something i know it will be effective.all the best,it will happen dont worry.

  2. clomid is effective.. but I took it days 5-9 of my cycle and the dose had to be raised.  

  3. If it wasn&#039;t effective I don&#039;t think he would of prescribed it to you before people make suggestions they need to do research. Clomid is used when your not ovulating so it makes you ovulate. Depending on the dosage if you don&#039;t ovulate say on 50mg then your dr will increase it. I take 50mg on days 3-7 of my cycle this is my third month on it I am ovulating just not timing correctly. Keep in mind just because you ovulate you still have a 20% chance of getting pregnant each month.

  4. You need to discuss this with your doctor, because not only is Clomid potentially fatal (in rare cases, but there&#039;s a risk) it can also make you infertile if you use it when your ovaries are working fine; OHSS is the syndrome if you want to google it. You need to discuss it with your doctor, not least because you might be on the wrong dosage, the wrong schedule (there are a few) and there might b another reason for the problem, such as blocked tubes which nothing, not even Clomid, will fix. So be sure to ask about this and good luck!

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