
Question about spotting after (late) period..?

by  |  earlier

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my lmp was 8/24 (it was 5 days late) i bled fairly heavy on day 1&2, then it was pretty much over by the morning of day 3. now starting yesterday(day7) i have some brown discharge which i only notice when i wipe or while checking my cp for my chart. i havent ever had this happen before and i was just wondering if anyone could tell me what they think this could be from. I will be calling my doctor later this week if it continues, but until then any input would be appreciated. thank-you!

oh and i did take some hpt's during the time i was late for my af and they were negitive.




  1. When my period does that some times. I think it is because it ends or slows down so much and then it has the brown discharge. I wouldn't worry about it. I get it some times and it hasn't done anything to me.

  2. Hmm...I'm not sure what imp stands for, or hpt, or af?! But I can relate to having periods that aren't normal. Mine was very messed up for about a year. I'd have my period for two months in a row. And then not have it for three. My doctor told me that irregular periods can be caused by several things. Stress being the most common. This site has a list of some others. And explains the process alot better:  The brown discharge blotting you got was probably older blood. It tends to appear brownish in our vomit and stools as well when it's older. Depending on the root of your irregular period, there are a few options. Eating healthy, and ridding your life of stress are the simplest factors. Your doctor may suggest a form of birth control, as they did to me. The pill helped my periods to become regular again. But I'm pretty sure he/she will suggust that you first try a healthier diet and stress-free lifestyle before putting you on any form of medication.

  3. the only thing i can say is if u had s*x then u are pregnant.  

  4. ..squid.

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