
Question about stealing...

by  |  earlier

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I've never thought about stealing but I had a ponder...What do you guys think is worse...stealing a $100,000 car, or $100,000...This is only an example an can be applied to a flat screen T.V., whatever. To me it doesn't seem like much of a difference, though in a way the money actually seems worse because not only can he get ANYTHING he wants, but also it shows that the robber doesn't have a goal in mind for WHY he is stealing the money...unless the money was just easier to steal. xD What are your people's opinions??? =P




  1. I guess you could get drunk and jump in a 100K car on a whim; stealing 100k takes a little more malice and forethought

  2. Great if someone steals a car or a TV, they're looked at like a thug or a hoodlum but if someone steals $100,000, they're looked at like a CEO!

  3. theft is wrong,no matter what the reason is.the justification almost always ends up meanningless.

  4. first reaction..  their is no 'worse' .. they are both stealing.

    after thought..  worse for who?  

    money is better for the their and worse for the victim.

    the thief has freedom to spend as wanted.  the victim is actually out the dollar amount, not the physical property which we all know is marked up well beyond its actual value.

    LOL, valerie..  too funny.. too true!!!!  

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