
Question about stimulus check?

by Guest45492  |  earlier

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ok i am 19 my parents claim me bc im still a fulltime student BUT i also claim my self i elligable for the stimulus check




  1. If your parents provided over half of your support for the year than they can claim you.  Sounds like you filed a return and claimed yourself.  Both you and your parents can expect to get letters from the IRS verifing which one of you should get the exemption.

    To bad your parents claimed you becuse being over 16 they did not get the Stimulus $300.00 for the child exemption and you don't get the 300.00 to 600.00 Stimulus Check.

  2. If you payed into the system and paid taxes you are eligible for the check. However with you already being claimed I think you are outta luck friend =/ Sorry.

    Call the IRS though. There is an 800 # and believe it or not, they are VERY nice and helpful = )

    Good luck

  3. If they claim you AND you claim yourself, the IRS will be contacting you if they haven't already and disallowing one of the claims, and that person will have to pay back anything they got by claiming you, plus penalties and interest.  

    If your parents claimed you, then you aren't eligible for a stimulus check.  If you also claimed yourself on your return, it's possible that the check would slip by although unlikely.  If that happens, don't spend it, you might have to pay it back

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