
Question about stocks?

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I am a newcomer at stocks and going to start buying some. Can anyone give me some company that are doing well?




  1. Google  (GOOG)  and  Apple  (AAPL)  have  good  revenue  growth  year  over  year  ( YOY )  and  No  debt .

    Check  the  key  stats  on  each ,  

    &   ALWAYS  check  the  key  stats   Before  you  buy  anthing .


  2. Don't go into the market just yet. Try paper trading(virtual trading) at Test out how good you REALLY are and then test it out. Also if you are YOUNGER- high risk high reward- older- low risk medium reward.

  3. I wound suggest Copper King, Rio, and TMR. I really like Copper King and Rio. It looks like TMR has hit the roof and may be leveling off. These are just my suggestions. Good luck

  4. How old are you ? - This depends on type stocks U should buy - R U young ? Go for Hi risk and exceptional returns - R U older ? past 50 - Go for trust that pay dividends every month - My Grandson in Hi school has bought monthly paying dividends and re- invests those dividends buying more stock - by the time he gets out of college he will have quite a nest egg - In this case I suggest Canadian Trusts - We are happy with a 12 to 14 % returns -  
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