
Question about student teaching.?

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When doing student teaching, do you get to pick the grade level ? I would love to do my student teaching with children in grades K-5. Please any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. If you are an elementary education student, you will be required to teach in two different grade levels. You get placed so you do not get to pick. Usually you get a mix of upper elementary and lower elementary.

  2. It all depends on your degree level (elementary education, secondary education) your state, and your university.

    For example, I am an elementary education major, and I had placements in Kdg, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th grades.  I student taught in 3rd grade.  My degree of elementary education kept me in K-6.  If you have a focus on middle school, you would most likely be placed 5-8.  My university required that we were in a pre-student teaching placement every semester we were in the program (4) prior to student teaching.  For student teaching we were in a year long placement - doing observation and assisting the first semester and then student teaching the second semester.

    When it came to student teaching, my university had us choose and rank 3 grades that we were interested in teaching.

    Hope this helps!

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