
Question about teen driving...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting my drivers license on Thursday, August 28. I am going to a friends house 8 days after, which is about 20 miles away from my house. Do you think it's too early for me to drive that far so early? My mom and Grandma think so, but they don't know how long I've really been [illegally] driving. Thanks for your time.




  1. That is a little far

  2. Yeah, it is too early. Have someone else drive you

  3. It doesn't matter how long you had your driver's license. There are people that suck at driving every where. It depends on how good drive and mostly of all you need to look out for other. But if you feel that you can't do it then don't do it. Practice more on your driving by going to the store or up your street, if you don't feel safe, don't do it! LISTEN to your gut, because people die everyday from car accidents.  

  4. when i got my license i had to drive to 2 schools my regular high school and then i took auto body at another high school, i drove around 30 miles a day and that was right when i got my license

  5. 20 miles?  too far?  no.  that's what, half hour at the wheel?  200, maybe, but 20, no.  as long as you don't carry friends.  usually having friends in the car and showing out is the #1 reason kids have accidents.

  6. Yes it is too far and you are already driving illegally and people what to know why we should raise the driving age............lack of responsibility and are living proof !!!!!!

  7. Well, I think it is a little far, but if you are a good driver and it is in the day time, then it will probably be ok.  Just make sure that during those 8 days you really prove to your mom that you are a good driver, and then she might see that it is ok for you to drive that far.

  8. What are their reasons?

    You have passed your test and you need a bit of experience. 20 miles is not very much. If it is during the day then it should be fine.

    Find out exactly why they don't want you to drive there so soon. The problem I faced when I passed my test was that I was in a catch 22 situation. My parents didn't think I had the experience to drive on my own and so did not let me. As a result, I had no experience of driving on my own and thus they wouldn't let me.

    Driving in summer is ideal as at least you don't have to worry about adverse weather conditions so see if there is another reason why they will not let you drive there.

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