
Question about teen pregnancy??

by Guest32871  |  earlier

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Why is it that teens get so defensive when they know that they're having s*x? Like, someone will ask a question about why teenagers are having s*x, and they'll blow up in there face. I mean, why can't they just ignore the question? If they feel that they have to explain to people that s*x is okay, and no one is listening to them, don't you think they would think that it's wrong by now? And when people post on here, "help, im 16 and pregnant," do they even think? Do they even think that they are posting this on the internet, where everyone can see it? Do they ever think that people get tired of going into the adolescent section and all the questions that are there are about getting pregnant or having s*x? Can't they just stop and think for a second instead of running to the computer? Answer all of these questions for me, cuz I am so confused.




  1. what if i ask you this "are you having s*x?" i think that is why they  get so defensive. that is a private matter and should only be discussed between a doctor and people who they choose to.

  2. We're teenagers

    we don't think

    and the computer is turning into God for some of them

    And well, if only 16 year old freak out so bad about pregnancy and abortions

    you don't see any

    "Help! I'm 30 and I'm prego."

  3. I'm kind of confused by all those questions.

  4. because its not really anyones place to judge them whether theyre pregnant or just having s*x. its not a big deal so mind your own business. its their choice not yours. if theyre pregnant and scared they come on here for comformation, not to be attacked and judged. grow up. and no, im not a teen mum or anything like that. any way, a question for you, why do you care? theyre not your teens running around and having s*x

  5. amen.

  6. I guess they're


    ~ were never ready emotionally or mentally for s*x in the first place

    ~ scared because they know they made a mistake

    ~ and of course, going on the computer for some free help is less scary then taking responsibility, lol

       But I mean, it's not all teen pregnancy, I'm 4 months pregnant but the s*x was forced on me

  7. well some are scared, some are stupid and some where raped. it's everyone's personal story and how they deal with it

  8. I agree

  9. The answer is no, they don't, can't, won't stop and think.   Thinking is not a strong point when you are that age.

    Some of them are 'trolls' looking for attention.

    Some might be legitimate questions.  Girls who get pregnant NEVER think it will happen.  Most teens cannot think ,realistically, beyond next weekend. Certainly not about finishing HS or having a real job or having a real baby.  

    They yell and scream because they are afraid,  they KNOW they screwed up, they do not know what to do next and they are beyond reasoning with.  They just want this all to go away.  A very few will make that decision to make it all go away.  Most won't.   They are counting, hoping praying for the support of their parents.  You will see a lot of tough talk about 'knowing it's my responsibility, know I can raise my baby, by myself. The problem is that they do not know the meaning of the word Responsible.  They have been held accountable for so very little in their lives that they are actually emotionally younger than their ages.   So they get here and they vent.  They get angry because as far as they are concerned no one did tell them they should stop, should not, should stay home , but it is mostly about the fact They did not listen.  They flounced out of the house in huff.  And mom and Dad did not come after them and haul them back in the house.  Which is an error on the parents part.  When your kid has a hissy fit and flounces out the door go get her.  Ground her. for a month.  Give her a taste of accountability and responsibility.  "You talk like that to me, you get grounded for a month. No toys, no telephones, computer only for home work. No friends over either."  Earn your privilages back."  

    The problem today is that kids see "Privilages" as rights.  

    No they won't stop. They are young, not really together and terrified that real life has caught them before they or anyone else was ready.

    PS:  Having s*x IS a big deal, should always be a big deal.  It is not just another afterschool activity.  

    Making LOVE is so much different than just 'having s*x'  you won't ever know what you are missing if you don't learn the difference.  

    Making love is still a big deal to your parents.

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