
Question about telling parents stuff?

by  |  earlier

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ok today is thursday, and on monday, i have to go to hospital for an operation, but the thing is, i cut, and there is scars on my leg, and i dont know weather to tell him just before, or wait until the doctors say something to him.

i just dont know how to tell him, because i know if i tell him, theres going to be h**l, like arguments, and yelling.

please give me advice?





  1. Well it would be nice if you were able to talk to your parents about stuff since obviously if you are cutting yourself, you have some serious issues.  If you know that your dad is going to freak, then you may want to wait and have the doctor tell your parents.  They will probably take it more seriously than if you were to tell them.  (Although you may want to discuss your issues with your doctor.)  What is the operation for?  Keep in mind that your parents are probably going to be very worried about the operation, and the whole cutting news is not going to help matters.  I do think that they will take it more seriously if it comes from the doctor though.  Good Luck.

  2. If you're honest from the beginning then theres less likely to be yelling. Just be honest. If you wait then they probably wont be mad that you cut but that you couldnt come to them and felt you had to hide it.

  3. I think if it involved Dr, cutting and scarring, parents it is best that your parents should know about it.

    While there maybe yelling due to the cause of this procedure, but that's just because they worry about you.

    You definitely need your parents to be on your side on situation like this.

  4. just tell them the reason you cut. be more openly about it with your parents and tell them that you want to be serious without the shouting. and STOP cutting yourself seriously.

  5. I'd wait until the operation because they won't be able to say anything until the operation is over and since you'll be sedated afterwards, it might be easier/calmer for you to talk about while you're in recovery and you might feel better about telling them what's going on with you.  Plus they'll be extra concerned since you'll have just been operated on so they'll forego the angry part and just get straight to the concerned part.   Best wishes for your op!

  6. Unless your parent is going to be in the room for surgery the doctor can't disclose your personal information without your approval.

    BUT if they are fresh it may be mentioned as a concern for your health.

    I would sit down your parent(s) and just tell then you used to cut yourself. You don't know why and it has stopped. You don't want a big deal made out of it, you feel you have moved past it but that you didn't want them to be informed by someone besides yourself. (this is a mature jesture)

  7. been in this situation.

    use makeup to try and cover up the scars. if that does lnot work, then idk. but i really dont think the doctor will say anything to your parents. mine never did.

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