
Question about the 1973 war ??

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On the Syrian border 150 Israeli tanks faced 1,400 Syria tanks (Israel inialated 1230 of them), and than within 3 days the Syrian forces were pushed back and we re-captured lost land, ending up just 35 miles of the Syrian capital.

How were we able to do it so fast ??




  1. First, Arik Sharon, arguably the greatest general in military history, was functioning and had not yet had a series of strokes.

    Second, the IDF was a superb army.

    Third, the Jews knew they had no other country.  Whereas the Arabs have 22 states, so that losing one or two would not be significant for them.

    Fourth, the Jews had God on their side.

    Sounds like a winning team, doesn't it?

    So it was no doubt that the Egyptians and Syrians suffered still another defeat at the hands of Israel.

    And the fellow here who is living in fantasy land and thinks that the Jews lost -- well, he's living in a fantasy world.


  2. On October 6, 1973 — Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar — Egypt and Syria opened a coordinated surprise attack against Israel. The equivalent of the total forces of NATO in Europe were mobilized on Israel's borders.1 On the Golan Heights, approximately 180 Israeli tanks faced an onslaught of 1,400 Syrian tanks. Along the Suez Canal, fewer than 500 Israeli defenders were attacked by 80,000 Egyptians.Thrown onto the defensive during the first two days of fighting, Israel mobilized its reserves and eventually repulsed the invaders and carried the war deep into Syria and Egypt. The Arab states were swiftly resupplied by sea and air from the Soviet Union, which rejected U.S. efforts to work toward an immediate cease­fire. As a result, the United States belatedly began its own airlift to Israel. Two weeks later, Egypt was saved from a disastrous defeat by the UN Security Council, which had failed to act while the tide was in the Arabs' favor.The Soviet Union showed no interest in initiating peacemaking efforts while it looked like the Arabs might win. The same was true for UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim.

    On October 22, the Security Council adopted Resolution 338 calling for "all parties to the present fighting to cease all firing and terminate all military activity immediately." The vote came on the day that Israeli forces cut off and isolated the Egyptian Third Army and were in a position to destroy it.

    Despite the Israel Defense Forces' ultimate success on the battlefield, the war was considered a diplomatic and military failure. A total of 2,688 Israeli soldiers were killed.

  3. Americans provided the Israeli military with weaponry, they also provided Israel with something far more important – intelligence.  American spy-plane, the ‘SR-71 Blackbird’, show that the Israelis knew where major concentrations of Arab forces were as they were supplied with this information as a result of a SR-71 flying over the war zone. With such knowledge, the Israelis knew where to deploy their forces for maximum effect.

  4. Trust me..I'm not an Evangelical Christian..or any type of Christian..or a Jew..But honestly, if you can't see the power of the Creator of the this situation..and countless others in regard to Israel and it's Reality..You are either Brain Dead or terminally Clueless..Certainly, one can not minimize the intellect and might of the Israeli People..David vs. Goliath all over again..However..I'm thinking the Creator was involved..and was very well pleased...very well pleased indeed..Israel is a Brave Nation, and a very Great Nation..Any Thumbs Down will be an Honor.

  5. 150 Israeli tanks destroyed 1200 Syrian tanks? are you kidding? It is almost 1: 8 ratio.

    If so, then why:

    500 Israeli tanks failed to defeat Hezbul Allah in July 2006????.

  6. Divine intervention.

  7. Five times God stepped in and He will again.

  8. israel had the most to lose, they couldn't do anything but fight till the end, and it worked. by the wasy, israel also managed to defeat Egypts entir air force (it was huge) in less the two hours, before it even left the ground, with their old and outdated planes. it was called the six day war by the way

  9. by Israel using OUR Tax money to buy high-tech bombs to use against ones innocents

  10. and how about your major failure with the Egptian army?

    and by the way i want to say "thank you very much "for the Syrian army who helped the Egyptian beat Israelians

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