
Question about the $400 Toshiba from Walmart?

by Guest59659  |  earlier

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Let me start off by saying that I do not know hardly anything about computers. I have a desktop that I use for my primary use, but I want a laptop for just for reading( I have about 500 ebooks) and writing. I also want to put a copy of my personal library datebase on it( I am a HUGE bookworm). Plus for sometimes surfing the web.

I am not going to be playing any games or watching movies or even listening to music. I would just like to know if this machine would be good enough for this. I do not want to spend alot of money, plus I got a $100 gift card to walmart for my birthday, so all in all I would be spending about $315.00 with tax. So the question is it worth it? I don't want to waste my gift card. Any help would be great. thanks




  1. You didn't mention any of the laptop's features, so I'm going to just have to generalize.  If you want to store a lot of books on the computer, you're going to need a large hard drive.  160 GB is good, 250 GB or bigger is better.  In other features, I always asvise people to get the fastest processor and the most memory you can afford.  To run Vista efficiently, you are going to need a minimum of 1 GB or RAM (memory).  2 GB or more would be better.  Last but not least, if you are going to be reading from the screen, you might want a larger screen to make the reading easier.  Usually, a smaller screen is easier to carry around, but in your case, I am recommending at least a 15" screen.  I don't know what features are available for $400.00; if you can find or earn another $200.00 or $300.00, you'll be able to get a much nicer computer.  God bless!

  2. It's more than enough for reading writing, and web browsing.

  3. is this the machine you are talking about?

    if not please provide link.

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