
Question about the MMR and Chicken Pox Shots??

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I have always followed a delayed shot schedule, mostly because I didn't like the thought of giving up to 4 shots at once to my infant. So, over the months, my daughter was given all of the shots except for the MMR and the Chicken Pox Vaccine.

Today, my 20 month old finally recieved the shots. I was a little wary about it, but I knew if I didn't just get them done, I would make excuse after excuse not to bring her in....LOL.

She got two shots, one in each leg. My first question is, since she received them in two different shots, that's not the same as the MMRV, right? I've read that the combined shot has more side effects, so would I classify her as having two shots or one? (Sorry, I know I'm making this confusing...)

My second questions is for the Mom's whose children have already had the shots. What was your childs reaction, if any. And how long did you give Tylenol/Motrin? I'm planning on giving Motrin around the clock for the next 24 that too long, or not long enough??

Since my daughter was born, these have been the two shots I have been worried about the most. Any reassuring advice would be greatly appreciated.




  1. I only give my daughter a dose of Tylenol about an hours before the visit, and usually either no more or 1 more dose afterwards.  Seems to never bother her.  She's never had a reaction to a shot.  I keep her on the recommended schedule.  

  2. My daughters and my niece were fine. I never had to get them any tylenol and they never had any side effects.  

  3. My son has had all of his shots so far except the chicken pox vaccine. I am waiting until they have worked out any kinks in it before giving it to him. I usually give him 1 or 2 doses of tylenol and then after that he is fine. If I notice that he is being especially irritable then I give it to him for up to 24 hours.  

  4. Just take whatever is on offer.  I have not heard of a chicken pox inoculation (I am in England). I just let my children catch it at an early age when it hardly bothered them.  We have a developing problem over here where people have been scared to get inoculations and their children are dying of measles.  Everyone has forgotten how deadly it can be.

    After my children had their jabs I just took them home and....  there was no other problem. I didn't need to give them paracetamol or anything.  They just went to bed as normal.  

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