
Question about the Nuva ring?

by Guest61000  |  earlier

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So I just finished my first month of the nuva ring and took it out today, when should I expect to get my period?




  1. 2-3 days.

  2. today or tomorrow, give it time. by the way, this might seem graphic but always check after you go #2....or hold some toilet paper over your hole so it wont fall happened to me once and i didn't know until after i flushed it was gone.

  3. soon, very soon

  4. It takes me about 2-3 days.  

  5. anywhere from 2-3 or 4 days, im on it and it takes 2-3 days usually, but my friend who is also on it gets it 4-5 days after she takes it out.

  6. I use the Nuva Ring and it usually takes two days after I remove it for my period to start.

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