
Question about the PS3 80 Gig?

by  |  earlier

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i have a new PS3 80 gig, and i wanted to play mortal kombat: Deadly Alliance for the h**l of it, and it says, this model is unable to support PS2 material, or some bullshiz like! im gunna take this back, unless theres an update...i downloaded the PS2 software thing, and it a;ready came with PS2 storage why would they add that if i cant use it? whats going on here?!




  1. If you bought the $399 80GB Core, then you bought the one that is exactly like the 40GB with 2x the hard drive. Sony will never release any updates that will make the non-PS2 compatible PS3s and make them PS2 compatible.

  2. 80GB can't play PS2 Games.

    Only the ones with MGS Bundle and the $499 80GB.

    You can't add a software to make it PS2 compatible.

    It's all on the PS3.


    Keep the PS3.

    Play PS3 games.


    Choose me best answer please.

  3. When u take apart the 60gb PS3 a lot of the parts in it are PS2 components. the 80gb and 40gb ps3s only have PS3/PSX parts/components in it. I have no idea why Sony did this c**p for.. I guess to save money but wtf? Why would u want a PS3 to play PSX games for? All PS3s should be able to play all PSX/PS2/PS3 games but Sony is f'ed up.

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