
Question about the Pied Piper of the American Youth? (adults only please)?

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Of course most of us over at least 35 know what he is all about...nothing new here.


my concern is that if elected he could really turn off an entire generation...when the promises can't be realized (of course), when the slogans & chants come face to face to cold reality...they will go through a huge let down.

I really believe these kids mean well, most really believe this stuff and have their hearts in the right place but their brains seem to be shut down...even after countless examples and evidence he's not what he say's he is.

your thoughts please




  1. do you remember the other guy, who had a dream.

  2. Agree..............his acceptance speech sounded like a huge Christmas list that he was promising to fill for each child.......and it's just that impossible to fill.

    It bothers me that young people believe Obama should do this for them.  They should be preparing to lead the country and they are cheering someone who says he will personally take care of them from cradle to grave.

    It was disturbing.....................I hope they do face reality that they are responsible for their own lives..........and the help the government gives is reserved only for those who can't.

    sad and disturbing..............

  3. Once again photogenic qualities have replace real qualifications. Unlike those Kennedy worshipers I know He was also more talk than action. He did a few things but it was his perceived weakness that caused the cuban missile crisis and with Obama being so weak no telling what Russia will do.  I will not be surprised if they again try to put missiles in Cuba.  Then what.  Biden will do his usual and hide in a corner, that is if he can get past Obama in the race to hide.

  4. Kids are kids and they are easily influenced.

    It is when they have to be responsible and pay their own way that they begin to pay closer attention.

    But right now it's easier to just chant with a crowd.

    An uneducated voter is obamas best asset.

  5. This is about more than Obama. He's made millions of people interested in politics for the first time, and is giving them experience. It's clear he won't be able to live up to every expectation but one thing he is doing is letting people take their political destiny into their own hands. The same ground organization that won him Iowa and beyond, that will hopefully win him the President, it's going to be in place to win more Congress seats and local elections. Young people are getting involved in a big way, and hopefully disenfranchisement is on its way out.

  6. I agree, most young voters dont even know why they like obama. Im 36 but I have cousins who are in highschool and college. I have tried to engage them in discussion without telling them how to vote. Just want them to think about why they believe what they do. They do it because their friends are, because Liberal professors and teachers are brainwashing them. I really believe the reason most young people are liberal is because of that. It takes too much effort to actuall form an opinion of their own. Life hasnt bitten them in the butt yet so they really dont understand the nuts and bolts of it all.

  7. If  you’re  not a socialist at 20 you have no heart.   If  you’re  still a socialist at 40 you have no brain.

  8. He has promised the world and they think he can do anything.  But he can't, and when they realize that, it could be a hard fall for them.

  9. So what ?They're young let them enjoy it while they can .They have the rest of their lives to become old and cynical

  10. Pied Piper lol.

    I agree, but it's not just our youth. I had a debate with another woman a few months back, and I asked why she insisted on voting for the messiah. She sputtered hope, change, and no Bush. Yeah, that's real promising, lemme tell ya.

  11. Yet, they might make the same mistakes with another candidate in 4 years.  By then, there's a whole new generation (18-21) of youth that can't vote now to follow some other pied piper to replace those who've wised up.   How many elections does it take to smell a rat?

  12. Weren't we all young and idealistic once.  They will learn in their own time. Most of them anyway.

    Winston Churchill once said, "if you're not a liberal in your 20's, you have no heart, but if you're not a conservative in your 40's, you have no brain".


  13. I thought it was funny when the press asked young Obama supporters to state just one issue that Obama has that makes them believe he will make a better president. Most couldn't name any.  I really want to waste my vote on someone I have no clue where he stands or how he's going to deliever on all his hope and promises.

  14. Youth and exuberance almost always think with their emotions. Do most of us want change in Washington? Sure! But do we want change in the direction of Socialism? NO! That's why we don't like Obama. Why must I be a right wing neocon if I don't like Obama's politics? That's a far cry!

    Moderate Libertarian

  15. Before people are allowed to vote they should have to take a Bill of Rights knowledge test.

    Many young people today just follow the follower or vote for someone because they think that it's the trendy thing to do.

  16. You are right on target.

    I've thought something similar -- that Barack Obama is the WORST thing to happen to African Americans in the past five or ten years.

    he is a phony. Phony, phony, phony. Even his identification with African Americans is totally phony. Barack Obama is culturally white. He is a "wigger," a white boy who wants to take on African American cultural signs.

    And he can't do nuthin'. He ain't done nuthin'.

    Eventually, people are going to see the man behind the curtain, and that day will not be pretty.  

  17. At the end of the day, the youth vote doesn't go to the polls in any huge numbers on election day historically.

    That said, those of us over 35 DO (Some of us WELL over 35) go to the polls, and that's the demographic where Obama has his biggest problems.

    I call it the exuberance of youth.

    But then we all grow up.

    Well, most of us anyway.

  18. Its not just the youth.I had asked my older sister How she felt about Bush.And really what made her life so bad with him in Office.

    She replied the gas prices.LOL she is in her 40's heck I'm 32 and I realize that's far from the truth.And this is my own flesh and blood.

    Heck even My brother supports Obama.And he is on disability because of alcoholism.So what possible change is it going to matter to him?He doesn't even Drive and he lives in some trailer.

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