
Question about the Temple of Obama?

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Is Obama the most Narcissism,ego, self loving, self worshipping person on the planet or what?




  1. yep hes  the antichrist and i could say something about him being pro on full term abortion and call him a baby killer and such but ill save it for later

  2. Its not Obama who annoys me, its the stupid narcisistic celebrities that swarm around him as if they were all Gods gift to the USA.  I am afraid that some of these celebrities disfunctional brain cells, split off and jumped into Obama's DNA causing him to act like them.....not his fault! (lo)

  3. right on.He is running on I am God ticket

  4. No, he is not like that.  Stop spreading your Hate.  John McCain, approve that message.  

  5. envy is wrong

  6. Hey Sara maybe you haven't seen previous Republican Conventions.

    Have a look at Bush's backdrops at past conventions..

    IT's really the pot calling the kettle black

  7. i can't disagree with any of that

    who exactly has deluded him into believing him that he is worthy of so much adoration?

    just what has this man achieved apart from pulling the eyes over the democratic party who are just desperate to find a new clinton....(so long as he is male of course)

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