
Question about the Twilight movie?

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Are they going to combine the books together? Like I heard they were going to have jacob as a werewolf in there too and he doesn't find that out until New Moon. So I was sondering if they were doing like a 2 books in one movie thing? Idk. I know they have done that with movies like the Sisterhood of the traveling pants movie, they totally skipped the 2nd and 3rd book and went into the 4th one. So I was junst wondering if anyone knew?




  1. Oh my Gosh!!!!! I just started reading the book last night and I am half way through! I never read stuff like this only because I have a true fear of vampires( I know how childish) I see on the cover that it was going to made into a movie. Did it ever happen if so was it as good as the book?

  2. maybe at the end they will. i dont think they will combine books. they are going to make all 4 so they can get more money

  3. No i think they are going to make all 4 movies. I'm pretty sure i read in an interview they are all signed to do all four movies.  

  4. I actually have a copy of the first draft of the script from back in february and nothing is mentioned about jacob being a werewolf or even knowing at that point he is one. However, its been a while since february and I know things have since been added to the script, so this could be one of those things. I personally don't think they are doing this though because they will want to make as much money as they can. I don't see jacob playing a big part until later as the books revealed. only a few more months til we'll know for sure!

  5. Everything that I have read about and seen that are just doing the first book in this movie. I am sure they will end up making at 4 movies.  

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