
Question about the United Nations?

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My class is a doing a Model UN and each student has been assigned a counntry. My country is India. For this session we are disscusing if the should be a palestinian country. I need an answer form India's point of view. And also include some reasons to why.

thanks for the help.




  1. Yes, because Palestinians are Indians too, just migrated. They always support Palestinian causes because of this.

  2. Indian has a sizeable Muslim population [13% of the population]...

    Supporting the creation of a Palestinian State would be one way the Hindu majority could support a Muslim position without changing the internal dynamic in Indian.

    It could have other benefits for Indian.

  3. your teacher must be a lib nut case.the un is a worthless pipe dream that has not accomplished anything in its existence.they are great at wasting money,stealing money and destroying countries.palestinian india,what is your teacher smoking ?india's point of view would be amazement at the stupidity of such a suggestion !

  4. Many people on Yahoo Answers have opinions that may be in conflict with what the GOVERNMENT of India has as official positions and reasoning.

    Thus, you can get lots of interesting opinions, but you need to do serious research if you are to do a great job and get a great grade and learning experience.

    Here is official web site of the government of India

    Depending on how much time you have before deadlines, maybe you could contact them directly & ask what is the official position of the nation of India on important international topics such as:

    * Palestine

    * Terrorism

    * US War on Terrorism

    * AIDS

    * Fresh Water

    * Tsunami early warning systems

    * Nuclear non-proliferation

    * relations with their various neighor nations

    You could search phone directories for the nearest embassy of the nation of India to where you live ... they have embassies in major cities of the USA and other nations.  You could then request permission for you and some classmates to go there to ask questions of their official representatives.

    Perhaps you should start with what is being said in the news media of INDIA about this issue.  You need to learn how to work the search engines to access such news.

    Notice at this Google News search engine, you can select news from perspective of what is important in Inda, or any other nation.

    After you have identified some news media sources published in India, you can use advanced search to THEIR articles on the topics of interest to you.

    There are a ton of web sites with information about the nation of India

  5. Palestine has a people, government and sovereignty but no territory in order to become a country.  Thus, Israel must return the land that they took to the Palestinians so that peace will finally reign in the Middle East.

  6. As almost ever country in the world agrees that Israel should return the land that they stole from Palestine or at the very least return all land settled after 1967  India's answer would be yes other than that Palestine isn`t really a priority for India they are nothing to do with each other

  7. From an Indian perspective, you have two conflicting opinions.  One, you would like to see Palestine become a state simply to create more stability within the region.  It is important for India for this conflict to end, while it isnt necessarily concerned that the conflict will spill over into India or Pakistan, it is concerned about a cut off in oil production and delivery to India.  India has one of the fastest growing economies and needs the oil for power and development.

    The other side of this is that correlation between Palestine and Pakistan.  If you look historically, they both have had a similar path to statehood.  This would liken India to Israel as well.  I dont know how much significance this is, but it could be important in the mindset of the Indian political figures.

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