
Question about the birth control pill and getting pregnant.?

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My wife will not let me have an o****m inside of her (even though she takes the pill regularly) because she is afraid of getting pregnant.

Is this a rational or irrational fear?




  1. I dont think so...I am very paranoid. My son is now 5, and was conceived while on the pill AND using a condom, my other son we were just using condoms, and I have twins on the way from the patch. No im not making it up, and yes I took everything and used everything as directed. The 2% has to come from somewhere...if you all arent in a place to have a child, but you want to you know inside her, perhaps come to a compromise...use a spermicide as well as the pill...maybe that would help. Good luck

  2. Uh, correction folks!  You can be on the pill and anytime you start an antibiotic, it will vertually neutralize the effects of the pill.  Best thing to do is go have that little T shaped thing placed, its good for 5 years and causes no harm and no pain.

  3. I think there is some other reason your wife does not want you to ejaculate inside of her and the pregnancy reason is just an excuse because she doesn't want to tell you the real reason. Her possible reasons are:

    1. She doesn't trust you and is afraid to catch some std from your philandering

    2. She doesn't like the odor that results from your ejaculate. She likes to stay clean because she probably has a phobia of developing an odor. It is also possible she has a "boyfriend" who likes to go down on her and she doesn't want him eating your sperm.

    There is only a 2% chance of her getting pregnant if she takes the pill as prescribed. How can you and her be 100% sure that no s***n seeps into her during love making?

    I suggest you guys see a counselor who can get to the bottom of her "fears". As far as I'm concerned, your problem is deeper than you think.

  4. As long as she is taking her pill regularly and appropriately, then she should not worry about you ejaculation inside her.  I took the pill for many years and had no problems at all.  It is when you don't take it the way you are supposed to that you get pregnant.  Tell her to chill out.

  5. Irrational fear.  If I were Dan Savage, I would suggest that perhaps your wife doesn't like the feel of s***n in her, rather than this being about pregnancy.  Here are the pregnancy rates for the different birth-control methods.

    Note that withdrawal has a 19% failure rate.  If you and your wife are having unprotected s*x and she's thinking her birth-control pills might fail, there is a 1:5 chance withdrawal will get her pregnant.  When used properly, the pregnancy rate for combination pills is as low as the pregnancy rate for male sterilization (which has a non-zero failure rate only because in some cases the incision isn't big enough and the two ends mate back together by chance, properly done, once you have a vasectomy there is zero chance of pregnancy).  This means that if she takes them every morning, the risk is essentially zero.  Have you tried using condoms or considered getting snipped?

  6. It seems a bit irrational.  The possibility is in the single digits...  I think about 2%?

  7. I think that if she doesn't want to risk it change birth control that way if she forgets it's okay. I was on the patch for two yrs and my bf would always and i nvr got pregnant.

  8. If your wife takes the pill everyday at about the same time, there is practically no chance of pregnancy. The pill works by providing a hormone that "tricks" the body into thinking it is pregnant. Perhaps your wife is concerned because she is not consistant with taking her pill. OR maybe you need to take the time to understand why your wife is sooo concerned about not getting pregnant and respecting your wifes wishes.

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