
Question about the death penalty

by Guest32770  |  earlier

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I hope this question doesn't sound stupid.

I have been doing some reading on methods of execution in the lethal injection,firing squad,gas chamber,hanging and electrocution.

I have read where all executees are required to wear a diaper for their execution regardless of the method of execution,but the executees who are to be electrocuted are required to wear plastic/rubber pants over their diaper.

My question is why are executees who are to be executed by electrocution are required to wear plastic/rubber pants over their diaper,but executees who are to be executed by other methods are only required to wear a diaper and no plastic/rubber pants over their diaper?

This just doesn't make sense to me.




  1. You sit for death by electrocution.  You would be in a prone position for others.

  2. The wetness can overly burn the body so it's kept in by the rubber pants. The "overburning" is one of the things that human rights people go crazy over.

    Yes, I know... He didn't consider his victims rights but for some reason people still want him to have his.

  3. lol,annie! that is tmi ! who knows,i'll do some research.but that  was by far quite a interesting question!

  4. I'm not sure about the diapers and rubber liners, but if they would show the executions from beginning to end, I'll bet that would cut down on these senseless murders, especially when you see these macho killers wearing their diapers and the aftermath of the execution.

  5. Actually the electrocution has been outlawed in most states its highly unlikey they do that anymore. the reason for the diapers is so when the inmate dies it soaks up the bodily fluids.

  6. It's a safety issue. When people die, (and I'm sure this is probably even more so likely when they are being electrocuted) they usually involuntarily empty their bowel and bladder. I know it sounds disgusting, but since liquids conduct electricity, if they "go on themselves" and it seaps out of the diaper and into their pants, it could conduct the electricity into the chair, floor, etc and could, inturn, electrocute any bystanders as well, and the rubber pants act as insulator so this doesn't happen.

  7. When they run the "juice" through them the electricity seems to cause a great deal of bodily waste to be released.  Much more than the other methods.  The plastic is to avoid a messy clean up.

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