
Question about the gym???

by  |  earlier

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i been going to the gym now for a week and i been doing 1 exercise for each muscle. my friend told me that i should focus on 2 muscles each day and do 2-3 exercises with each of those each day. is that a better plan? any idea on a plan i can follow im still trying to learn how to do things at the gym as i only been going for a week and they dont have any trainers




  1. buy the book called the gym bible from men's health. or if you're female they probably have a chick version too. but it's very helpful for beginners.

  2. It really varies, but if you r working every single muscle each day, u won't build any muscle.  Muscle needs a day to rebuild itself.  

    It's not just all about how many different excersises u do, it's about the # of sets.  Also, u can build more muscle if u only target certain muscles on certain days, but if I were u, I would start doing that after doing a full body workout every other day for between 6 mnths to a year.  Just trust me on that one.  

    You can do something like this:

    day 1: arms and shoulders.  Do two excersises for the triceps, biceps, shouders, and forearms.  Do 3-4 sets of each of these excersises w/ 8-12 reps per set.  

    day 2: legs... Start off w/ a 30min jog, then do two excersises for ur quads, hamstrings, and calves.  Do 3-4 sets of each of these excersises w/ 8-12 reps per set.  

    day 3: Chest and  upper back.  Do two excersises for both these areas.  Do 3-4 sets of each of these excersises w/ 8-12 reps per set.  

    day 4: Abs and lower back.  Probably the easiest day.  If there's an ab lounge or excersise ball at ur gym, use them, use them, and use them some more.  seriously, they work wonders.  

    day 5: U've earned a day off, so just sit back, and relax.  

    I'd also advise you to pick up the men's health gym bible (  It will help u way more than any of us on yahoo answers can.  You should use protein powder to help build bigger muscles as well.  If ur serious about this, these investments will pay off tremendously.  I Hope that helps, and good luck!!!

  3. Well, to get the best results you have to sandwich your work out with 10 minutes of cardio at start, work your muscles until they are throbbing, then finish with another 10 minutes of light cardio.

  4. No do your circuit (one exercise for each muscle group) for another week.

    after two weeks on circuit switch to two muscle groups a day.

    back (lats) and biceps

    chest (pecs) and triceps

    shoulders (deltoids) & legs (calves,quads and hamstrings)

    do that for 2 months before you switch to one muscle group a day so you don't neglect your legs (very very important body part)

    after about 6 months in the gym you'll know your body type and what exactly you need to be doing for yourself.

    after a year get on the max-ot program.

    i know it can be hard without trainers but its a good thing you don't have any because so many of them are complete idiots.

    goodluck with the gym.

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