
Question about the in laws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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Would it p**s you off if your mother and father in law just turned up every Sunday and you know its only cos they want to see the baby! Every Sunday without asking for the past nearly year??!!




  1. My parents never stopped over, now my kids are not close with their grandparents.It can be good and bad-they are not going to be around forever.It really can't hurt if the kid(s) are enjoying them.

  2. Nope... Having just dealt with it for nearly 52 weeks, with no change in behavior, why on Earth would you expect them not to show up?  If you don't want them showing up you should have said something a LONG time ago.

  3.'d probably start going places on Sunday and if they said anything tell them they need to call and see if I have plans before they (unexpectedly) show up.

  4. why don't you just go out one week without telling them, they may get the message.

  5. Not kind of traditional isnt it? At least you know when they're coming and it is only once a week! My Mother in LAw comes round every blinking day!

  6. If has been going on for a year it is NOT unexpected!!!

  7. Make the most of it and get them to babysit while you and your husband have some time alone to go out and enjoy yourselves.

  8. yes it would so i would talk to my partner

  9. at first i'll be glade 4 them but if it took so long yes i'll be pissed off

  10. it wouldnt be long before it was sunday bloody sunday

  11. Are you Joan R's daughter in law???

  12. Only if that year had gone by without me saying anything to them that would stop them.

  13. Being a grandparent is a wonderful thing.  I am not a Grandma but I have 4 boys and my Mother in law used to bug the c**p out of me by coming by all the time but I can't count the times that she has helped me out too.  You are lucky that you have family that cares so much.  Even if it's just to see the baby.  You may need them some day.  Good luck!

  14. How about asking if they'd like to have the baby with them one Sunday while you and your husband have a well earned break and go out somewhere? Grandparents adore their grandchildren and often say they get more pleasure from them than they did with their own children because there is none of the responsibility.

    Maybe you could suggest that now it's summer you want to take the baby out for the day. try to see them regularly though. Grandparents are very precious and as your baby grows, he or she will enjoy their company so don't put them off by letting them sense your annoyance.

  15. Mine turn up every sunday just for dinner, drives me mad because sometimes I just want some peace!

    I actually love my in-laws (well most my SIL and I have a few issues lol) but since I got pregnant it has been very over-whelming.

  16. my MIL calls at least 12 times a day....and comes by at least once a day.... my mom lives far away too........but, in the grand scheme of things, at least they care enough to want to see your child...just next sunday tell them you might have plans the following one and they need to call ahead to make sure you will be that each time and set a precedent for them to call first! good luck!

  17. If you know they only come to see your child, why not use the time to go out as a couple together? Let them take the day with the child as they want to and you can go out and enjoy your free time together without having to worry as you know your child is in safe hands.

  18. No, I think  it's lovely.

    I also think that you should visit them once a fortnight on a Saturday and leave the baby with them. They will be calling on the Sunday anyway so just offer them a coffee and your thanks

  19. My mother in law did it every Tuesday night, she would turn up at about 8pm just as I am about to put the kids to bed, in the end it started to get on my husband wig so he ended up telling her that she had to start coming earlier or later when the kids were in bed, the Tuesday night visits have now stopped and she she turns up as and when, my husband still pulls his face but it now makes me laugh as it is him who gets stressed about it

    Now that the weather is nice wont you be wanting to do things as a family on a Sunday, why don't you start planning days out and phone and tell them that you wont be home next Sunday, but if they like you can drop their Gran child to them Saturday day the week after so you and your husband/partner can have a night away/out because I bet you could do with the break

  20. My in-laws and my parents did that too.  I had mentioned that it was rude, inappropriate and  they should of called first.  I put my foot down.  My husband and I talked and he put his foot down with his parents.  I did the same with mine.  We did twice each.  Now, they call first to make sure that we are home and not busy with something else.  What helped is that we keep that rule for everyone, not just the in-laws.  You need to be firm with them - both you AND your husband.  You might want to ask them why they are doing this.  It might save arguments in the future.

  21. Well the fact that they have set up this pattern, means that they dont need to ask.  You have showed them that you are happy with that arrangement!

    Try organising something on a sunday & let them know in advance that you are going out... do that every few weeks.. break the damned habit! lol

    My own parents used to do that too... i soon nailed that on the head!!

  22. You can't blame them for wanting to see their grandchild, but turning up unannounced is a bit off. I can see how that would be irritating. Maybe next Sunday you should say, oh we're just going out, then maybe they'll think about phoning in future.

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