
Question about the irony of racism?

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Why is it not considered racism when someone says black pride or Latino pride or Asian pride? But it's considered racist when someone says white pride? Can someone sense the irony in this?




  1. Because those that fight for Black or Latino pride are fighting for equality amongst other races and those that fight for white pride are fighting for domination amongst the other races.

  2. Basically, the whites of of the 1600's to the 1900's abused and enslaved the blacks and indians, asians, etc. So now the whites have to pay for those transgressions done by their ancestors. It's the way it is. Whites cannot have their own group or they'll be called racists because of past generations actions.

  3. because white people use to mistreat the blacks and they use to be racists. some still are. and nopt all of them use to be.

    but this is a white persons country. so they're on top so the others are i the bottom. they're usually the poorer ones. we have to work harder and actually do. we are the minority.

    we got those bad jibs. people make fun of us. people look down at us and tell us to go back to our countrires. im black and from the carribean and black people in my school use to tell me to go back to africa.

    so the ones that get mistreated come together. to be proud of who they are and what they are.

    even though people has mistreated them they come together and try to have pride in themselves realize who they are, intead of fitting in not to be mistreated.

    but i guess i dind't really answer youre question but you aint got to be white to be racist or countrist(word i made up.)

    you can be white and still hate white french people. YOu can be black and still deny that you got africn acestry. like the kids in my school. they treat and talk bad about africans and have the nerve to call themselves african american. most dont even admit they got african acestry. that's why you got all these prides. people are rejecting thir race or country so others create those prides to say its not a bad thing to have african acestry or to be latino.

  4. because of power.

    Everyone hates the guy who is in power and has to flaunt his power, but people admire the groups at the bottom that find pride in their group

  5. Im with Atlas.. we better get used to it.

  6. Funny! how about visiting the White Pride site, and you tell me.

    Does "This is the Klan" on the home page mean anything to you?

    Compare that to which Covers Mexican/Chicano hip-hop, poetry, history, low riders, murals, and more.

  7. It's probably not considered racism when we utter Black Pride because it's not associated with groups like the KKK, the Aryan Nation Brotherhood, Skinheads, etc.

    The Black Pride phrase came from an era when Blacks were trying to promote solidarity amongst one another and embrace all that it meant to be Black. Whether that was through giving their children Black-sounding names, wearing Afros and cornrows, or James Brown singing, "Say it Loud! I'm Black and I'm Proud!".

    I think it's sad that modern whites feel that they have to suffer for the acts of their ancestors. Maybe some needs to rise up and take back the "White Power" slogan and make it into a positive one or something that will not necessarily offend others if its uttered. It's just a suggestion. Blacks have tried to do that with the N-word, but it hasn't been really successful.

    To be quite honest, I've never heard anyone utter, "White pride". I've only heard, "White Power". Additionally, I've only heard "Black pride" and not "Black Power". So maybe the words power and pride can't be used interchangeably. I don't think that White people should not be proud of their race and heritage. They just need to be aware that there will questions posed--just like yours--and that some people--just like you--will be offended by it.

  8. "White Pride" has been co-opted by racist groups like the Klan and Skinheads so the phrase is now associated with them in most people's minds.  I should think that would be pretty obvious.

    Note that people don't have the same reaction to celebrations of euro-centric pride.  For example, no one thinks St Patty's day, a celebration of all things Irish, is racist.

  9. Because White people have always been able to get ahead of all the other races, they have been the dominant race for decades. Black pride, latino pride, and Asian pride is just a way for all of the people of those races, to rise above, and overcome the dominant race, which is white.

  10. watch it, i asked something like that a few months ago and my question got banned because it was "offending" the black community.

    I totally agree with the Modern Racisim, there is a BET for black people, Ebonys, Magazzines.. and so on... now imagine a world with a WET (white entretainment television).. that would be VERY racist, i think racism is DUMB and no one understands it now, before they were slaves... BEFORE, hundreds of years ago! GET OVER IT... now, IM A MEXICAN for God's sake, does that mean that in the future my people is gonna be able to claim racism issues because today 2008 thet work as slaves and illegal aliens?  COMMON!! of course NOT... Its no right to be racist but black people is way MORE racist than white people.

  11. Because they had a thing 60 years ago call Nazism( more then 60 million people die) were the main go was to created a white pride only society of people.

    The problem is that the "white pride term "   have  a bad  history

    Said that, one must say that  this has nothing to do with a person that is white.

    We are talking only about the term "white pride" ,

  12. white has always been ahead but when the underdog comes to the top its heroic and courageous but when white people do it its cocky and kind of like rubbing it other peoples faces

  13. Reversed Racism, that is why, get use to it

  14. because minorities just want equality while whites (some) want superiority

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