
Question about the movie dark knight, answer pls.?

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Joker didn't die at the end, he just caught by policeman.

so he will be in the next movie, but who do you think will play the joker in the next movie?

rumors say that the riddler will be the next villain, so johnny depp will likely to play the riddler, so do you think he can overcome heath ledger performance as the joker? because based on depp's character as jack sparrow, he just like the joker. right?

do you think dark knight will be a very good movie with deleted scenes on it?




  1. ok

  2. I don't think there will be a joker in the third movie, if there is one; they wouldn't be able to find someone that matches Heath Ledger's performance. They probably will have another Batman movie, but it will not be better than "The Dark Knight" more than likely. It'll just be another movie that shouldn't have continued on.

  3. joker wont be in the next movie, thats almost certain. for one thing....why would he be? even if heath ledger hadnt passed away, the character has still done basically everything he needed to ni the film. his character was meant to bring chaos to the city and try to corrupt batman, and the citizens of gotham. in the end, he failed. there is no more story to tell with his character. i find it hard to believe the director would bring the character back just to pay lip service to the fans, especially seeing as how heaths performance cant be topped.

    johnny depp will probably play the riddler, but i disagree that jack sparrow is like the joker. besides being totally crazy and staggering about a bit, jack is at heart a good character, and johnny depp made him sweet. he acts the fool but hes always there to help out his friends. the joker is just pure evil, and heath played it that way. johnny would have to completely erase all the good from his character, he would basically have to go the opposite way to jack sparrow. but i think he could make a good riddler, but i think he will not try to top heath for craziness. he will probably play it cool.

    i am looking forward to seeing the deleted scenes, cos there are supposed to be lots of cuts from the movie based on violence. adding it back would add to the atmosphere of the movie. should be interesting

  4. the joker most likely WONT be in the next movie, chrisopher nolan will probably make something up that happened to him in Arkham.

    and if johnny depp was the riddler, he would do a very good job.

    but not as good as heath ledger.

    he made like freaking history, man.

  5. I don't they'd put him in the next movie,they probably wouldn't want to do a disservice to Heath Ledger's role.

    Hmm,the Riddler is a different villain than the Joker,so though I have no doubt in my mind Johnny Depp could pull it off,it would just be different than Heath's performance.

    And yes,The Dark Knight will be a good movie no matter how many deleted scenes are in it.

  6. Joker didnt die.. the last we saw of him, was when he was hanging outside a building hundreds of feet in the air...

    Johnny depp has been asked to take the riddler role.. so far tho.. it seems that its just a rumor.. hes been quoted saying "it'd be a fund gig" IMO it would be hard to top what Joker did in TDK...

    with deleted scenes or not... It still annoys me how Christian Bale talked while in the batman costume... its a trying hard deep voice with a lisp.. annoying!!

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