
Question about the peace corps....?

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Is it true that if you have served in the military like the Army, that you cannot join the peace corps.




  1. Not exactly. The Peace Corps wants to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, and they are constantly being accused of being a front for the NSA, CIA, DIA . . .

    There is an old Chinese saying - "When crossing your neighbor's melon patch, don't stoop down to fix your sandal." That's the "appearance of impropriety" in a nutshell.

    So - if you have served in certain specialties - intelligence is the obvious one - you can't become a PCV. You can't join the CIA right afterwards, either. In my time you had to wait 5 years, if that was your life's ambition. Again, they want to avoid . . .

    A Peace Corps recruiter would have a list of military jobs that disqualify you, with their catalog numbers or whatever they use to say "spook" versus "sniper".

  2. No. You can still apply to be in the PC if you have been in the military. But be aware that the PC is very competitive -- they do not take everyone who applies (unlike the military).

    Visit the PC web site for more info.

  3. no, that's a lie...

    if you were in a military organization, you can know about the problems of the world; and it can be a good reason to join the peace corps...

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