
Question about the pros?

by Guest63141  |  earlier

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Very true, Johnny.




  1. Good question.  On a professional level, we use techniques called "tuck" and "throw".  This involves the wrist moving one way or the other when following through to get more spin on the cue ball.  Keep in mind, you'll hardly ever see this in straight pool since many shots don't requre extreme english on the cue - ball as opposed to nine - ball.

  2. Straight....may not be related to your question.....Bert Kinister has a tape of "Deflection" and he teaches this.....I think he said that Robles thought him this technique....I can pretty much do it on force follow but can't on  the draw address the ball different versus the actual spot that you want to still aim dead on the spot of the object allowance for deflection but on the final stroke you hit the cue ball on the spot you need to and then throw your elbow out.......too hard to "picture" this in writing....really a great tape and recommend it......Kinister said it took him several thousand shots to get this down.....check it out.....really does work!.....always noticed that the "filipino" players always address the ball with draw but hit where they need to on the storke.......hope this helps some!

  3. the strokes on pool and the feathering on snooker is different I guess.. I'm more a snooker player and when we feather the cues are usually parallel but yes I do know what you mean as when I watch televised pool matches I can see the strokes of a pool player are like a "piston" as mentioned by johnny

  4. One coach told me to address a draw to the finish not the start of the shot. He was looking for the finish much like some coaches endorse the "finish at the felt theory"

    Who knows?


  5. Good eye Straight I think mostly they are setting the angle of their stick-get it level- more than aiming so to speak at the ball .A freind of mines name came up a few days ago Javier Franco his practice strokes are 10 inches to the side of the ball then his shot is what i call a piston he just draws back and shoots V.Villarreal used to have the same stroke but im rambling again  some just like to get the stance  and bridge hand set first then shoot

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