
Question about the "Rate me" and "How do I look" questions?

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If you've ever answered one...

Do you just lie to help that person build confidence?

Or do you keep it real?

Because I keep it real. :]

I think if they have the guts to put that kind of question up they should know the truth.

Am I right??




  1. If I answer those type of questions, yes of course I keep it real. And i totally agree with you!! I hate when I ask my friends opinion and they're like yeah it looks good when you know it looks terrible. I, however, don't type ''okay you look like trash ewww and fix everything about you your ugly'' I will tell them in a nicer way. Although the truth sometimes can't be nice there is no need to make them feel real bad about it. Just say next time you should straighten your hair and contacts would look great on you.  It's nice to turn them positive instead of negative. :)

    EDIT-Oh and when I say that I don't mean curly hair and glasses are ugly. They are definitaly not I have family some members that sometimes wear glasses and are beautiful, and many pretty people that have glasses and or curly hair. Just an example :)

  2. Honesty is the best policy. And besides if they are fishing for comments, they had best be prepared for the consequences; good or bad.

  3. I keep it pretty moderate for the ones that really wanna know. Like, "yeah, you have pretty -----". Haha you know, like eyes, lips, skin..Just to boost their confidence a little cause god knows they need it.

    Usually if they're really pretty, they're fishing for compliments and know they're pretty.

    So thats why I don't answer those ones.

  4. Yeah. They ask those questions for the whole truth, and so thats what I give them. I am very honest when it comes to those questions.  

  5. Mine usually go like this.

    "I would be honest with you darling, but you're obviously just posting this for a bit of a confidence booster. So let's just go right along with this and say you're the most physically attractive person I've ever seen, and the way I look at beautiful people will never be the same again."

  6. yea, gotta keep it 100. sum ppl jus need 2 know da truth if dey gon put dat kinda question on da net then dey shul expect an honest answer

  7. exactly! why would you lie, i mean they obviously want to know how they look. But i dont think people should post questions like that at all because

        1. It clearly shows how low their self esteem is.

        2. It's like super unsafe to post your pictures on the net.

    but yeah i wouldn't lie, if i had to answer one. so you are correct!  

  8. I keep it real because the people that ask those questions are idiots. It's not guts so much as it's little kids looking for validation of whatever they're asking.

  9. I'm normally honest. I know if I asked that, I wouldn't want people telling me I look good if I look like roadkill. That just wouldn't be nice.

  10. I lie. Usually I say average or good looking so that I don't hurt anyone's feelings.

    Being told you are ugly does NOTHING for ANYONE.

    It takes away confidence, it's stupid, it's not the outside, it's the inside, looks are certainly a factor, but not everything.

  11. Yes, you are. I'm on your side. I like to help as much as I can by answering. If I don't get the question, I star it to have other people to help answer as well.

  12. I keep it a 100 percent real. I mean they are asking you what you honestly think so y not tell them the truth.

  13. I usually keep it real but I always point out positives things about their looks unless I'm having a bad day.  Then I'll just say that a nasty old pedo is printing their pics off to wack off to later. =]

  14. of course

    answer mines please;...

  15. I normally keep it real, but if its like a girl who looks like she is 10 or something, i might lie.

    But yeah i agree with you.

  16. most of the time i keep it real. if they are unattractive then i'll say something like "maybe you could wear some makeup or something" so i won't sound mean

  17. Yeah hahaha.  I presonally try to not answer them though.  Why encourage them

    I also refuse to associate with those people in real life, the kind who are always fishing for compliments.

    You need to build your own self confidence.  You can't count on others to build it for you.

  18. I keep it real every day of my life and whatever in is happening. That is just who I am, I call a spade-to-spade. The truth doesn't change just because someone doesn't mention it.

    If they make the effort to post a picture of themselves and ask a question about what people think of them, then they deserve and should be told the truth. Sugar coating doesn't change what is true, so it's best to let the truth be told so they can take that, and deal with it. I usually don't even answer those type of questions, mostly because they bore me, but also cause people sometimes need to be told more than the truth, and I'm not one to do that. However, when I do answer those kind of questions, I try to be a constructive as possible, it doens't make any sense to tear them down when all they are doing is asking. I'm not going to lie and call them gorgeous when they're not, but you can always find something good to say. It's not that hard to do if you try.

    A lot of the time they aren't even all that ugly. They just lack self-confidence or are genuinely curious about what other people think about them.

  19. I'm an honest girl who doesn't lie unless it's life threatening.  I always answer those questions with honesty.

    Yes, you are right.  They ask those questions, and the truth is what they should get from everyone's opinion.

  20. yeakh.

    answer mine.;...


  22. i am honest the i put this at the end EVERYTIME

    look in the ******* mirror and be honest with yourself! and stop fishing for compliments because most of the time someone will find something wrong with you and then you will be crushed

  23. I'm honest, maybe a tad nicer than I would like to be,

    I prefer to point out their good points instead of saying their flaws, because obviously if they are asking, they want to hear good things. They need a self esteem boost, so I give it to them.  

  24. absalutly!! lol

  25. normally honest

  26. Well, people who are confident and comfortable with how they look don't ask those questions.  It's the people who are insecure and unsure of themselves who ask them.  They're looking for reassurance that they look okay.  So I usually look for something positive (and truthful) to say... like, you have pretty eyes.  If I can't find something good to say, I just don't answer it.  Because I can't imagine that telling someone "You look terrible" is going to help them in any way.

    However... if they ask for advice rather than opinion (ie; "What could I do to look better?), I have no problem suggesting "Grow out your bangs" or "Ditch the blue eyeshadow."  If there's something they can easily change to make themselves look better, why not let them know, if they ask?


  28. I normally tell the truth. I don't understand why you would post a question like that because most people aren't going to tell you the truth and they're just going to answer immaturely. I think confidence is attractive. If you don't have confidence, you don't have anything.

  29. I usually say "You're fine", I don't really care, the question gets deleted anyways.

  30. I've answered and have been truthful.  

  31. Honestly? lol

    they obviously need some attention.

    everyone wants to feel gorgeous and there these skinny b***** on tv is all they see.


    I just say there gorgeous because were all different and gorgeous in our own way too bad they cant see that.

    Lol.. sounds corny xD watevere

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