
Question about the universe?

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Alright. We think the universe was at one point the size of an atom and was all concentrated into a single point and then expanded and continues to grow at this very second, right?

Can we view this in the same way we see a chemical reaction? It starts, goes for a while and eventually has an end.

Will the "reaction" of the universe ever stop? What would theoretically happen to everything in it if it suddenly stopped?




  1. A chemical reaction is not a very good analogy. Although it was once thought that the Universe would eventually collapse under its own gravity in a Big Crunch, evidence discovered in the 1990s showed that its expansion is actually accelerating. There is an invisible force called dark energy which is pushing everything farther and farther apart. The ultimate fate of our Universe, therefore, appears to be infinite expansion, while matter decays into photons and leptons which will be the only particles left in a very empty universe some 10^100 years or so from now. Under this model, the Universe effectively has no end, although there might come a time when the non-quantum processes of the Universe may be so insignificant that time as we know it would no longer be meaningful.

  2. only God knows what will happen. From my point of view, I'll be dead by then so it doesn't matter.

  3. It could do as some compare it to a balloon, which eventually will explode killing us all.

  4. There are several conjectures about the origin of the universe and nothing is the Truth. They are all far from the truth. It is therefore better to accept the "is-ness" theory of the universe.

    When and how it originated is beyond our guess. However it can be believed that that any thing and everything that has had a beginning ought to have an end. Our universe is no exception.

    It has , however , to be remembered that energy cannot be destroyed, therefore it changes shapes and will continue to exist in one form or another.

  5. There are three theories about the end of the Universe. In the " Closed Universe " expansion would halt. All matter would return to the compact "single point" again that may start the whole Big Bang again. In the " Open Universe " all matter would expand forever only to become cold, black, and life-less, no star light.The blackest black, coldest cold. Down to the molecular level. I am not sure about the third theory called the Flat Universe theory, and how the Universe would react in the end.

    I think that if the Universe were to stop " Suddenly" all of our momentum would continue to push us in the direction we were traveling according to Newton's law.

  6. there are several possibilities for what will eventually happen to our universe based on the current model.  One is that the universe will eventually reach a maximum size, and will then begin to contract.  The other is that the universe will continue to expand forever.

  7. There are a few theories as to what happens when the universe reaches a point of stopping....Some beleive it will recoil and then begin to compress, Others beleive it will expand until eventually it rips...kind of like when you pull on a rubber band until it breaks.

  8. If You Are Talking About How It WIll End I Have What Most Scientists Think Will Happen Its Called "The Big Rip" Ill Go Into A Brief Description....

    The Big Rip is a cosmological hypothesis first published in 2003, about the ultimate fate of the universe, in which the matter of the universe, from stars and galaxies to atoms and subatomic particles, is progressively torn apart by the expansion of the universe at a certain time in the future. Theoretically, the scale factor of the universe becomes infinite at a finite time in the future. The Big Rip should not be confused with exponential expansion due to a cosmological constant, which would not rip individual galaxies apart.

    The hypothesis relies crucially on the type of dark energy in the universe. The key value is the equation of state w, the ratio between the dark energy pressure and its energy density. If w < −1, the universe will eventually be pulled apart. Dark energy with this property is sometimes called phantom energy. If w = −1 then the dark energy behaves like a cosmological constant and the universe expands exponentially. Current observations are consistent with w = −1, meaning that the Big Rip hypothesis cannot be ruled out.

    In a phantom energy dominated universe the distance to the cosmological event horizon decreases over time. When the size of the horizon is smaller than any particular structure, then no interaction between the farthest parts of the structure can occur, neither gravitational nor electromagnetic (nor weak or strong), and they will be ripped apart.

    First, the galaxies would be separated from each other. About 60 million years before the end, gravity would be too weak to hold the Milky Way and other individual galaxies together. Approximately three months before the end, the Solar system would be gravitationally unbound. In the last minutes, stars and planets would be torn apart, and an instant before the end, atoms would be destroyed.

    Hope This Helped

    From Dr.B.Townsend

  9. The universe has a maximum size,it will expand,at the speed of light until it reaches this size then the density of space will decrease to a point where it can't exist.

      It will continue on this path as long as the space-time pulse that started it continues,from maximum to minimum,when the pulse stops the universe will continue on until it reaches that maximum size then it will end.

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