
Question about the width of my snowboard stance...?

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Hi guys. I have been riding for 6 years already and have been riding with a 23 inch stance, all of my friends, most who have sponsors ride a 24 inch stance. I'm thinking about trying it out on saturday because I think it should help my switch riding. My question is when I put my stance at 24 the s***w holes closest to the middle of the board are exposed. Is this ok for the holes to be showing. The only thing I'm worried about is that the holes will get rusted up and then if I want to move my bindings back to 23 inches the holes will be rusted and I wouldnt be able to s***w them in. Is it ok for the holes to be showing?? Thanks in advance.




  1. Those holes are stainless steel and will not rust, still, if you're worried about it, just plug it up or something and you should be fine (even without plugging it) good luck =)

  2. It's personal preference and I recommend playing around with it. I've gone wide and more narrow.  I skate so l personal feel better balanced with what most would consider a narrow stance.  It's just personal preference.

  3. the threads are stainless steel. they will not rust. I am 6'8 and my stance is as wide as it will possibly go on any board I have ever ridden and to this day I have never seen any rust develop anywhere on there. worst case is if its a cheap board it could somehow get rust in there. then just tap it out and reset your bindings when you want to try your old stance again

  4. They will not rust. They are stainless steel.  If they were to rust, they would be more likely to rust if the binding is covering the holes, since water stays under the binding a lot longer, and it takes a long time to dry.  The water on the exposed holes dries a lot faster,  so there is less of a chance to rust.  I took my bindings off my board to adjust them a few days after i went snowboarding, and it was still wet between the bindings.

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