
Question about this nerdy kid at my school?

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Well, theres this nerdy kid at my school, named Matthew Wattson. I was friends with him in kindergarten, and we were best friends than. Now I'm in 10th, hes suppose to be in 10th. He picks his nose, coughs in peoples faces, acts nerdy, looks nerdy, and pisses alot of people off. I don't want to be his friend anymore, how do I cut him off? I tried to ask him to stop doing all these things but he doesn't understand.




  1. well maybe you shouldn't cut him off all together but if he really is that bad and annoying you'll just have to avoid him, but try not to be mean to him because that's never a good thing to do.  

  2. The geek shall inherit the Earth.

    It's understandable if you don't want to be his friend any more, I don't blame you, considering he sounds repugnant, but don't burn any bridges. You could regret it later.

    Just slowly distance yourself from him, but don't be cruel. Start doing things with other people, choose different classes, and eventually you'll drift apart, as all friends do if the friendship isn't worked on.

    He could just be socially behind or going through a phase. If you're mean to him now, you have that weighing on your conscience and you can bet that he'll remember it as well. So let it go on its own, and just go your separate ways.

  3. say your annoyed by the bad habbits if he dosn't stop it's over lol  

  4. You could let him down gently when he suggests for you to hang out together (e.g I'm busy, got homework) or you could do what is ultimately better for both of you and explain why you no longer want to be his friend and hopefully he will change his ways.

  5. before you cut the poor guy loose, have a one-on-one heart-to-heart and tell him he needs to acquire a few social skills if he wants to have friends.  be kind and have pity on him - he obviously hasn't been taught any of the basics at home.  don't make fun of him but there are things you can share with him that would make a big difference in his ability to cope in the real world.

    tell him frankly but not harshly that you have trouble being friends with him because of this.  it's not easy telling the truth or hearing it but someone needs to do it.  why not you?

  6. let him down gently and maybe teach him how to be COOL  like how u suppose  u  r  

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