
Question about this quote?

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"and those we love dont go away, they walk beside us everyday"

this just doesnt make sence to me.

i understand it if you are talking about a close family member that died or something, but as far as people on earth it doesnt make sence to me. Just because you love someone, how do they walk beside you everyday?




  1. To me this quote means:

    We meet people throughout, our lifetime and they don't go away. They continue to walk beside us eveyday and make us who we are.

  2. It doesn't have to refer to death. Loving someone means you have her in your thoughts and these go with you wherever you are.

  3. They walk beside you in that they are always there for you... like always being by your side?

  4. i think the quotation talks about dead. and even if it doesn't it makes sense: if you love someone, you think about her/him and that person is always with you in your mind.

  5. this quote has a very deep and beutiful meaning! i hav fallen in luv with this quote..

    it does not refer only to those who r dead..... but also to the people who r close to u and luv u...

    this quote means tht those u luv, care for , adore, are close to ur heart  and who luv u bac as much as u do....  they might be away frm u far somewhere..  tht does not mean tht they r gone and they dont know u anymore....but r still close to u....  and  will be close to u, supporting u  in every part of ur life !

    hope u get the meaning now.... till then ..... enjoy!

  6. i don't think this is necessarily about the dead. to me it would mean that the people that touch our lives, weather they are friends or family, leave something with us. this could be their ideas or feelings for certain things. or maybe a lesson that we learned from someone that we only knew for a short while, but they left a lasting impression and maybe changed the way we see life.

  7. Those we love don't really go far from us even in death. Their memories remain with us. Like, when you feel lonely and depressed, just think of someone you love and the happiness or precious moments you shared with them, and you will feel their presence in your life, even if they are far away. They can also live in your imagination, like when you have a problem, think of your mom or dad and imagine what counsel they would give to you or how they would react to your present situation. They are with you, in your heart, and in your mind. Not just because you love them, but because they love (or loved) you too.

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