
Question about thumping sound coming from my right front tire...

by  |  earlier

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I have a 05 Tuscon that was sitting in my yard for at least 7-9 months.

It had flat tires so it was just sitting on the flats. I then put it on jack stands, but it stayed on stands for almost 2 weeks. the front right tire was actually a donut so only 3 jackstands. Anyways, I put on the tires last night and drove it today. I keep hearing and feeling this thumping sound coming from the front right tire. When I move the car left to right just a little, it gets rid of the sound temporarily. What could this be, I'm pretty sure I put all the tires on tight, please someone help, oh and these are brand new tires.......




  1. get them replaced

  2. You could have a flat spot on your tire or a broken belt. Take it to your local tire shop and have them check the tire for flat spots or broken belt. Than have them check the balance.

  3. You either have a flat spot from sitting, and it might round back out, but doubt it.  Or the belt broke. Doubtful, broken belts were common with bias tires, but pretty rare now days unless you hit a pothole at full speed.  Most tire shops now have machines that measure the roundness of the tire and they can tell you if it has a flat spot or a bulge.  You may want to check with the shop you bought the tires from since the warranty may cover them.

  4. bad tire...replace.

    feel all around your tire...see if you feel any bumps

    Good luck!

  5. even though they was new ,it could have caused flat spots on them,if they have a warranty on them take them back,letting one set on flat tires isn't good for it,it can damage tires after a while,good luck.

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