
Question about tipping?

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I guess this is more of an opinion question more than anything. Has ANYONE that actually goes out to eat ever worked in a restaurant? Where do people get off tipping less than 20%? As a waitress, I make $2.65 an hour. If you don't tip 20% please watch the movie Waiting... it describes serving at chain restaurants to a t. I'm mostly addressing this to YOUNGER people. And another group of people I'd rather not mention. If food takes a long time, usually not our fault. If something comes out wrong, again usually fault of the cooks. If a drink takes a while.... bartender. It's difficult to please everyone!! So I guess my question is... if you don't tip AT LEAST 20%, why?? Is it just that you are bad at math? Never worked for $2.65/hour before? Or you don't bring enough money with you out to eat? Help me out here.




  1. A LOT of people don't realize that a restaurant wait staff make such a small hourly wage.  The USA has had a minimum wage for many years. What other businesses get away with paying their employees way below that minimum wage, expecting their customers to pay the rest of their salary via tips?  

    It's not bad math that causes bad tipping...unless you count your employers math.  It's because many people don't realize that your employer is expecting the customers to pay a large chunk of his wait staff's salary.

    Hopefully the movie "Waiting" will educate many customers, but, meanwhile, why not educate your potential customers yourself, instead of insulting them?  An attitude like yours is NOT the way to get people to leave you a decent tip.

  2. here here sister!!! yeah you cheapskates! plz be a little nicer we are barely breaking even :(

  3. sometimes the service isn't as good as the person serving you thinks it is.

    that's all I'm gonna say . . .

    actually it's not, after reading one of the other answers about food coming out wrong not being the waitress/er 's fault that not true. The waitstaff took the order and wrote it down. Did they not look at the ticket when they were grabbing for the plates??? This is very true.

    Also, sounds like you need a new job if you depend on others generosity of tipping in order to survive. My BfF is a waitress and she says the waitstaff who about tips are the crappy ones who think they're amazing workers, but aren't.

    Get a new friggn' job and quit griping because tipping is always appreciated, but it is NEVER necessary from her words here to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I totally agree.  I was a server for many years,  and everytime I go out I always have the conversation with my husband (or whoever) about what the tip should be.  s***w ups in the kitchen happen so the deciding factor in the tip should be how the server handles the situation.  Do they go out of their way to make it right-20% or do they not really give a c**p-10-15%.  When you go out to eat you know you have to include a tip-so budget for it.

  5. I tip on attitude, not how slow the food gets there or things like that. It's all about the waiters/watress's attitude

  6. You've got a serious attitude problem and you need to find a different job.

    Working on waitstaff can be hard, but people who make a profession of it can do quite well. I don't usually eat at chain restaurants because the food sucks, the service is terrible and people sit around making excuses blaming someone else while holding their hand out.

    Last night, a friend and I had dinner while my wife was away. I realized that we had tipped the bartender (we ate at the bar) 30 percent. We know him. He bird dogs our food and makes sure it's right and he knows what he's doing.

    He doesn't even bartend that much because working as a waiter, he makes a lot more money.

    You percentages are wrong. The basic tip for satisfactory service is 15 percent. If you b***tch about that, you're being stupid. If someone isn't satisfied with their meal experience, 10 percent to nothing is fair. If you're just ecstatic about something, 20 percent is fine. You're underpaid and you're being taken advantage of, but you're an interchangeable robot to them.

    If I do eat in a chain restaurant, I usually tip over 20 percent, but it's not an obligation. I don't punish the waitress for things that aren't her fault, but if it's bad I won't come back. I don't want to think about the number of times I've watched waitress standing around complaining while the food from the kitchen was sitting there getting cold.

    The size of the tip doesn't matter muchto me. I overtip because I can afford it. But not everyone can.

    People w***e are going to do well at that job get the training from some of the programs at better restaurants that see that their staff is treated fairly, but also expects total professionalism.

    Service at most restaurants in the United States is third rate to worse. It would be unacceptable to anyone in France or Italy. And the best service in the states is in New York.

    Look around you and see how many people have been there very long and you'll start to understand. You get unhappy because you need money and you start actingout on customers .and they're retaliating. I wouldn't do that to you, but your attitude would irk me.

  7. I've worked as a server once...long ago and yes it was very frustrating when you're not tipped correctly. People don't always realize that most of the things that go wrong, just is NOT the server's fault.

    Because I've worked as a server, I always tip (in my opinion) correctly. If I order soup and it tastes like flavored water, I don't blame the server. But if I don't have a spoon to eat my soup with, that's a point I take off. If I ordered a malibu and pineapple with a slice of lime and I notice that the bartendar is swamped and the server takes a bit too long to bring me my drink but apologizes for the delay, I let it go. But if he/she forgets my lime, that's a point off. Not everything is the server's fault, but if the server is genuinly apologetic for the lack there of, some of us really do understand. And not only those that have worked in the restaurant industry. My husband and father-in-law are the same way and they never have....

  8. I always tip at least 20%, but I disagree with your write-up.  Most servers are too stupid to get the order correct and then they blame the cooks.  Do you know what "no ketchup" means?  Do you need to go to waiter school for that?

  9. In restaurants, I tip 10 percent as a general rule...I've never heard of a waitress earn 2.65 an hour, all the waitresses I know work for about $7.50 plus tips.  And that is miniumum wage.



    Oh no.. Sorry.  I tip 15 percent...whatever the standard is...not ten...I go to restaurants about three times a year.

  10. well i undertand where yo u get off saying this and where you are comming from if they are only making 2 .65 an hour they should get more pay.but why should it come out of my pocket there not working for me?here in calif.i am on a fixed income if i had to tip always i would never be able to afford to go out to eat because we can barly afford buying grocery due to the cost of living here you think people on a fixed income can always afford a tip ?well a tip is my gas money

  11. Ask you boss for a raise.If you  are only worth $2.65 an hour to your employer, it's time to find another job. Don't blame your crappy wages on the customers.

  12. Well, where I live, minimum wage is more than thrice that, so I don't at all feel bad about not tipping 20%.  Also, tips are traditionally supposed to be 10-15% (20-25% in vegetarian restaurants, because people's bills are usually so cheap, but it averages out to about the same dollar amount).  The amount to tip is also traditionally 10-15% of the bill BEFORE the tax is applied, but I guess the norms are changing due to the simple fact that nobody under 30 seems to know the traditional tipping rules anymore.  But those old rules are probably the reason a lot of people don't tip 20% or more.

    That being said, I usually tip 15%, unless there's an actual problem with our server (being rude, not seeing them all night, etc).  And if service is particularly good, I tip more than that.

    The younger people, well... they tend to be ungrateful and self-centered, it's a phase most people go through at that time in their life.  I don't think any of my friends tipped when we were teenagers, no matter how much I lectured them.  I often ended up leaving a tip for everyone, which was sometimes just as big as my bill, if there were enough of us.

    And as for any of us having worked in restaurants, I think all of my friends (and I) have, but they've all been fast-food (except one), so we weren't allowed to accept tips.

    Edit: Because someone below me mentioned, I thought I'd bring up the fact it may be legal to pay servers below minimum wage in some places (which I was unaware of until now, so I'll keep it in mind when traveling), but it's illegal where I am, so no restaurant does it here.  The only exception here is pizza/food delivery men/women, who will often only make half of the legal minimum wage.  Some loophole about them being independent somethingorothers, and not considered real employees.

    So, people not being aware that you make less than minimum wage could definitely be contributing.

  13. There's a lot of things that influence how people decide to tip. If the waitress acts stuck up or mean. Or that the waitress hardly checks in, and the person has to wait like 10 minutes just to get a drink refilled.

    As for me, i usually leave at least 20% if not more

  14. I'm a waitress and I don't expect people to pay me at least 20%. If your bartender or someone does something wrong you should explain it to your customer rather than assume that they know that it wasn't your fault. Get over yourself!

  15. I either tip 25% or nothing as a rule.  The only reason I"ll tip nothing is if the service was lousy or the waitress was rude or something.  If the food's bad, i'll still tip 25% cuz the waitress has no control over that, but I'll report it to management and ask for a perk or something for the bad food.  Every NOW n then, i'll tip like $25 if i really feel like she tried hard and was having a hard time.

  16. from one waitress to another, people are cruel and cheap. get out of the line of work. best move i ever made!

  17. I know nobody is probably going to read this cuz it's so far down, but people are not understanding something here. She gets paid $2.65/hour. That is BELOW her state's minimum wage. Servers often get paid BELOW minimum wage because people are expected to tip them. It's legal for restaurants to do it and they all do. You're not going to find a restaurant that pays their servers above the minimum that they have to because they know tips make up pretty much their entire income. If nobody tipped, or if everyone tipped poorly, nobody would work for those wages, especially since it is such a demanding job. Therefore, restaurants would have to pay them more just to get people in to work. Therefore, restaurants would have to increase the price of food to cover the costs of this wage increase. However, I guaruntee you that if this were to happen, service quality in all restaurants would go down because there would be no real incentive to provide good service, besides the slight possibility of losing your job if you're really bad. So you should not only tip your waitress that makes $2.65/hour but you should be glad that that's the way it works. You pay a cheaper price for food so you will have extra money to reward the good service provided to you. And 18-20% is standard for good service, ask anyone. 10-15 percenters are cheap.

  18. I think that most people blame the server for everything for me your tip is are you talking with your guest and being friendly and personable, Making sure that my drink is alway's topped off, or if you see that I have finshed with a plate you remove it and just making sure that me as the customer feels as I was the only customer you had that moment even though you could have 6 others then I will tip nicely if I get that crappy Service then it's just a couple of bucks but great service gets the great tip not just the standard Like on Saturday took my parent's and my daughter out to eat 62.25 Tip was 15.00

  19. no

  20. if your complaining about this, GO GET A REAL JOB!!!! Stop waiting on people and start a career or a REAL JOB!!! Your job is to SERVE people. You bring the food to the people. YOU GO GET the food. You BRING THE DRINKS. You PICK UP THE DIRTY PLATES. Long story short, if you dont like it stop complaining and get a better job. Better yourself. Do something than complain about people not tipping the right percent. THEY DONT HAVE TO. Be glad they are giving you anything. Be thankful for what your getting, or go out and get something better.

  21. Usually, those that do not tip well have never been in the industry.  I totally understand what you are saying.  People say you should not expect tips - they are earned, but that is what you are working your butt off for.  I hate to say it, but I would always give people good service in our restaurant and if they did not tip me decently, I would remember them and the next time they came in they did not get the best of service if I had other tables around (and then those people would wonder why they were getting such crappy service).

    You have your very cheap people who will never tip, but EXPECT great service, and you have those that think a few bucks is a decent tip - they have no clue and have never worked in the industry.  Hang in there!

  22. well ur gettin ripped off cuz i waitressed and made 5.50 an hour. but neways. the normal tip % is only 15 %. and 20% to be nice. but i usually tip good cuz i know how it is.

  23. hey i understand everything your saying. things happen and its not your fault. im a waitress and i dont even get tips and i get yelled at everyday. try working at a old people home. where old people are super picky and nothing satisfies them i run around going crazy sometimes. but of course some old people are very sweet. but were not even allowed to accept tips if they offered.

    anyway about tipping. i always tip because i know its hard working as a waitress even though the waitresses are always the best. i would always want someone to tip me so i tip them. we all work hard for the money and some people are just cheap i guess.

  24. Maybe it's your attitude. You must also be realistic about younsters, they're usually on a date with allowances and probably don't have enough to tip. I usually tip the 15% and 10% if the waitress/waiter is stuck up, rude, and doesn't check in. If you sound as upset here, I can't imagine how terrible your service would be, if you're truly unhappy, try finding a new job!

  25. First of all, I think 15% is considered your average, run of the mill, standard tip, not 20%. Personally, I tip according to service. If the waitress comes to take the order and deliver the food and is just sort of going through the motions, it's probably going to be 15%. I exect to be asked at some point how the food tastes, if there's anything else I need (drink refills, more bread, etc.) If she does that stuff, I'll bump it up to 20%. The best ones bring refills and extra bread and stuff just by noticing and don't even have to ask. Good ones will also be a bit more personable and engage you in conversation. Even if it's an intimate date or something, it's never bad to share some friendly banter w/ the waitress. Unless you're hitting on the guy. During football season I go to Old Chicago to watch out of area games off the dish. I tip 25-30% in that case b/c I know I'm taking up a table for 3 hours.

  26. That won't even pay for the transportation to and from work. You really should find another job if the boss can't even pay minimum wage!

    About the tips, my ex always over tipped.  I asked him why once and he said because he could.

    My mother hardly ever tips because she can't afford it. She really can't afford to eat out either.  She's quite elderly and lives on social security.  There aren't many things an older person without good health can look forward to doing.  She splurges a couple times a year on a fairly cheap restaurant meal.   You'd think a waitress could over look it and chalk it up to charity.

  27. The person who said that they tip $15 to $20 dollars on a $45 dollar meal?  What do you tip when your meal is $140?  Do you tip $65 to $70?  I don't think so...

    Tipping 20% is not unheard of... but seriously?  Most people tip their financial adivsor around 3%.  I know waitressing and financial advising isn't in the same field of work, but you should get the point.  Don't complain about not getting tips... if you don't like it. You should get out of the industry.  It is what it is... People are going to short change you even if your service came with a happy ending.  It's just how the world works.

  28. 20% tip? Are you kidding me, thats ridiculous amount for a tip, especially when we're paying like 60 dollars for a meal. Donn't be ridiculous

  29. People with no class, they don't have a clue and should stay home, you can tell them right off the bat when they show you an attitude, and don't have any manners even when ordering or asking for something. I used to wait tables while in college and it was a learning experience, specially about demographics, I know exactly how you feel.

  30. people are cheapskates. I'm a waitress and there are people who will not tip but feel really guilty about it and you can see it in their face. I feel like if you;'re not going to ever tip, then order it to go. Or go to mc donalds



    or do you mean tips?

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