
Question about toungue piercing??

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i'm probably going to get my toungue pierced on thursday. i already checked to see if i'm able to [ no vein in center of my toungue ] and i was wondering if they get infected easily...if they swell up or anything of a side effect afterwards...different methods of cleaning them.





  1. Um yes it will most likely swell. suck on ice and plan on eating some pudding or other soft food for a couple days. Also rince will lots of mouth wash... the Listorine... I dont know if I spelled that right but you can get the drift. Before changing the bar always soak the new one in L... best ways to prevent infection!

  2. Why do you want to pierce your tongue.

    It will not contribute to your health or your beauty.

    I suggest you don't pierce your tongue as it will look awkward and pain (when they pierce the tongue).

    It may also affect your eating habbit and much more !

    Don't hurt your tongue. PLease.

  3. Do rinse with Lysterine, HOWEVER, mix it even parts with water before using it. If your tongue starts getting sensitive, spotted, reddish, or white.....good chance you overdid the rinsing....washing away too much GOOD bacteria.  That will cause Thrush, a yeast infection of the mouth, very easily treatable, but painful and miserable.  I suggest eating yogurt a couple times a day......reduces your chances of a Thrush infection:)

  4. I would also ask - why? Most people I know that have had this done are very hard to understand when they speak.

    Apart from that I think that they are just plain ugly

    Here is a website with pros and cons of having it done. If you still go ahead - then I guess you are braver than I - who lives with constant pain every day  

  5. i got mine done on aug 14 08 at night. it felt like i burnt my tongue on a hot drink. there was NO swelling at all that night. the next day i was eating ramen and baby food and a few hours later chowing down on ziti. i have had minimal swelling and the only time it was sore is when i brushed the bar with my toothbrush.

    the week after i had almost no swelling and pain was non existant. it is also tough to get an infection in your mouth. Just rinse after EVERYTHING that you eat or drink unless it is just plain water. i used h2ocean mouthrinse and watered down listerine and bushed as often as i could as well.

    a week later i changed the bar to a normal ring and have had no problems at all. :-) it's been totally worth it and i can still speak normally. no lisp!

  6. i have mine done, you'll love it :].

    no they don't get infected easily if you take care of it.

    mild mouthwash and saline solution (sea salt and water).

    the swelling really depends on the person and placement.

    the farther back it is the more it'll swell also it'll swell more

    if your tongue is shorter and smaller.

    i experienced pretty much no swelling but you need to constantly

    check your barbell esp when you're eating bc your balls WILL

    come off. keep spares for a while. ummm, when you brush yr

    tongue dont forget to check for plaque around the barbell.

    and take it easy and dont play with it until its healed. TRUST ME.

    you'll be fine :]

  7. Human mouth is very very filthy (who knows where its been). A cut or a pierce puts you at risk for different types of complications such as infection, hep. C, etc. It will swell up with no doubt because that is how the body responds to injuries (it is when the body tries to repair itself by increase blood supplies with other clotting factors to help heal the area). Signs of infection include fever, aches, shivering, severe pain at the site of puncture, etc.

  8. I didn't have any problem with mine, back when I got it in 1998, when it was actually cool.  

  9. In the words of the person that pierced mine" your belly button is 50% more likely to get infected". I used listerine for awhile until the taste started making me nauseous then I switched to sea salt. I suggest eating a nice big meal before you get pierced because it can swell and be sore. To keep swelling down prop your head up on pillows and sleep that way for the 1st night.  in reponse to the person above me: it does not hurt! I actually didn't even know mine was pierced after the guy told me I was done.

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