
Question about ttc and periods?

by  |  earlier

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hi everyone

i come off the implanom implant on the 11th august so me and my husband can start trying, i still havent had a period yet since coming off the implant, we have started ttc last tuesday, is it safe to get pregnant before i have a period after coming off birth control cause we have already started ttc?, we were going to start ttc in january but we have started early,

when should i go to the doctor to start my period i really want it to come so i know when i am ovulating and when the time is right, we are baby dancing every 2 days




  1. Hi, i had my implant taken out last November but i came on my period probably the next day or the day after that. I started trying for a baby strait away as well but knew id be able to count my ovulation days and so on easier after id had a proper period.

    It will be totally safe for you to have a baby before you have a period, you may just need that period for your body to get the cycle back together again so dont be disheartened if it doesn't happen immediately. I fell pregnant in February and am expecting on the 1st Nov... and at the minute having really strong Braxton hicks right now, lol x*x

    Also, maybe you should see the Dr again if your period doesn't show up over the next couple of weeks.

    Good luck and best wishes x

  2. i came off implant and didn't get a period i just got pregnant so you might be pregnant already good luck x

  3. You could wait for your period. I know without a period you cant have a baby but in your case you will get one eventually. Id try now. it maight take a while though because just getting off bc makes your body try to get back to normal. Once its normal you will find your preg. I hope it all works out for you guys!  

  4. They say to wait a cycle, for due date estimating purposes. I am pretty sure it is safe to start right away.

  5. try anyway :P

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