
Question about turning right on red?

by  |  earlier

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In the state of New Jersey, there is a three-way intersection with no road on the left side, only ahead and to the right. The driver is turning right. The light at the intersection is red. Do you have to make a full stop before turning right even if there's no possibility of any other car turning into that lane (of course yeilding to pedestrians)? Do you think most drivers would make a full stop when making this exact turn? If I asked a police officer the exact question without the mention of "coming to a full stop", do you think he would correct me?




  1. Yes complete stop as already said. By the way if your still moving and there is a kid on a bike that is hiden by your side mirror or the window frame. That hazard can stay with ur line of sight while ur moving, and its moving. thats why u stop.  

  2. The only way you don't have to stop is if you have a green arrow. As for your other question it doesn't matter what everyone else is doing. If a cop see's it your busted.

    Talk to the city council and see if something can't be done to help the situation.

    Good luck.

  3. red light is like a stop sign. read the driver's manual!

  4. a full stop before turning right at any red light or stop sign and many dont stop but if a cop see them and wants to they will give ticket for not stoping and if you get hit by someone then your really in for it

  5. you dont HAVE to stop, just keep it slow

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