
Question about twins??

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i just found out that i'm pregnant with twins and i'm a little freaked. is having twins harder than have a single baby? is there a greater chance of something going wrong with my pregnancy? can the babies hurt each other? and is there a greater chance of my babies having a problem when they are born?




  1. Yes, having twins is harder... once they are born there is twice the work!  And your pregnancy would be classified as "high risk" but, there are tons of people who have twins and there is nothing wrong with their pregnancy.  Usually twins are born earlier than 40 weeks.  Some people are able to deliver vaginally other's need a c-section.  Every pregnancy is different.  Just relax and take care of your self and your babies and you will be fine.  I am sure your doctor will keep a good close eye on things.

    Good luck!

  2. The actual birthing part of it isn't harder, just longer (you have to do it twice unless you have a c-section).  As far as caring for them, it's always more difficult when your dealing with more than one, but it's not impossible.  If you can work out a feeding schedule and stick to it, they will adjust and things will go easier.  The babies can't really hurt each other as there is not a lot of room for them to move when they get to a size where they could do damage.  There is no greater chance of anything going wrong than there is with a single fetus.  The most common issue with twins is that they tend to come a little early (usually around 37/38 weeks), but that is NORMAL!  And they catch up to other babies their age very quickly.  Overall, just be sure to take any vitamins or supplements your doctor recommends and keep up with checkups and such.  You will be fine!

  3. Congratulations, it can be a little scary at first but once you get used to the idea it's hard to ever imagine having just one.  There is a slightly higher chance of complications but most likely you'll be just fine!  No, the babies can't hurt one another.  Though it will be fun to watch them on ultrasound screens.  (We often peeked in on one sitting on the others head or it would look like they were poking each other and other silly things like that, but it's all normal, and they'll be fine!)
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