
Question about two a days?

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this is my first high school two a days. ours go from 7-4. we dont go home in between. our schools really into football. what should i expect. what should i bring?




  1. Expect to be really tired and sore after a few days. The good news is it gets better once you get used to it. You need to know whether they are feeding you lunch or if you need to bring your own. You will need shower stuff. Most of my kids shower after the morning session and again before they leave. Every coach has his own rules about showering. For me, it is mandatory before going home but not before lunch. Bring extra fluids with you if you want. Gatorade type drinks are great. Bring flip flops to wear to lunch. your feet will get wet in the morning and you will want to dry them out before the afternoon. Also an extra pair of socks. Extra underwear can come in handy as well.

    Good luck. No one loves doubles but they are necessary for success.  

  2. expect pain and bring a mouth guard

  3. First, you should be ready to cope with having very tired legs while practicing. Your coaches will probably focus mainly on getting you better athletically (running/agility drills), better at fundamentals (footwork drills, etc.) and better with their offensive and defensive schemes. You'll be getting a lot of reps during scrimmages, so you'll need to be able to focus mentally on what you need to do each play.

    If you're bringing your own lunch, focus on bringing lots of high quality protein and good carbs. An example of this would be a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread (bring 2 or 3). A protein bar would be another good source of protein. Lots of gatorade and water will replenish the weight you've lost. Also, fruit such as oranges and bananas (especially bananas) will help your body recover in between practices. If you're willing to invest in a tube of Icy Hot or Ben g*y, it's a smart investment and will help keep your legs from getting as tired. The most important thing to remember is to work hard and keep a good attitude. You'll get through this.

  4. im sorry but that REALLY sucks

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