
Question about vaccination laws

by Guest60478  |  earlier

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Can you tell me if there are any laws in the USA that say that you MUST have your kids vaccinated? Please only answer if you know for sure. Are you legally able to avoid all vaccinations?

(Note: Please keep all personal opinions on the subject to yourself. This is a legal question, not a debate)




  1. From what I understand, no federal law exists for the administration of vaccinations; however, most states do have laws requiring them for school age children.  Moreover, nearly all states allow exemptions on the basis of religious beliefs, medical conditions, etc... you just have to sign a waiver or exemption form.  Therefore, you would probably need to research you particular state for a more indepth answer.  The following link provides some basic information.

  2. dasfaf

  3. There are no laws that say you must administer vaccinations. Don't ever let anyone tell you differently. If you wish to go unvaccinated, or wish to have your kids unvaccinated, then it's your personal choice. Doctors may be irritated by this, but never let anyone administer anything to you, or your child without your permission. Public schools require a waiver for personal/religious reasons. Some schools may put up a fuss, but that's what malpractice attorneys specialize in.

    If you have any doubt, I'd suggest you contact a medical malpractice attorney and he/she can be very specific with you.

    If anyone ever administers a vaccine against your will, you have the right to file charges.

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