
Question about value on collectible arkansas razorback doll?

by  |  earlier

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was going thru old boxes in the attic for an upcoming garage sale and came across a very old, and probably very rare doll that belonged to my father.

it is a "talking" university of arkansas cheerleader doll with a pull string on the back and it still works...says 3 or 4 different things. it is in pretty good condition considering its age (at least 40 years old i would guess). it is a bit dinjy and yellowed but i am sure that it can be cleaned by a collector.

ANY IDEA ON THE VALUE OR VALUE RANGE? i searched ebay and found nothing like it, which would tell me it is rare since you can just about find anything on ebay.




  1. Put it up on ebay or craigslist.

    Or advertise at the University.

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