
Question about vegans?

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Why don't vegans eat egg or milk products? these products don't harm animals in order to obtain them...




  1. Actually, animals are harmed even MORE by the farming of their eggs and milk. At least when an animal is raised for meat, it is killed as soon as possible, when it reaches it's peak weight. When animals are raised to provide milk and eggs, they must live in dirty, dark, crowded, inhumane conditions for their entire useful lives, until they die of disease, exhaustion, or become trapped in the cage bars and thrash themselves to death (a common death of chickens raised for eggs). Sometimes when a chicken is finished with it's useful life in an egg factory, a worker will pick it up and shake it by its neck until it dies. Does that sound like a harmless situation for an animal to be in? If someone picked you up by your neck and shook you around by it, do you think you'd be scared?

    It's not just about not killing, though all these animals are eventually killed or die inhumanely, it's also about preventing as much suffering as possible.

    Also, many companies that sell milk or eggs also sell meat, so even if you are not buying meat, you may be supporting a meat-selling company.

  2. Because vegans don't eat processed foods! Milk and eggs are processed!

    I am not a vegan but I have met one and talked to them about there way of life!

  3. ye but they come from animals dont they, they believe that any thing which is produced by a animal, is a bad as the animal its self.

  4. It does harm a lot of animals.

  5. Most egg and milk products now do harm animals. They are force fed, holed up in small pens with no room to move, and injected with hormones. Cows are milked with massive machines, that often times are detrimental to them. Chickens are mass bred and live with no freedom. For the matter of vegans, we don't believe that any animal should be eaten, that includes their products. Vegetables and fruits are better for you anyway!

  6. Yes, they most certainly are harmed. They are keep in horrible conditions and suffer horribly. Chickens and cows are both very miserable and suffer alot when eggs and milk are being taken from them. That is unless they are at a free-range farm but thats not the point. We don't consume those products because they are from animals and we don't believe animals should serve humans with products they make naturally.

  7. they do hurt them

    i dont feel like explaining it

    look it up

  8. Well the main reason I dont is because it is not heathy eggs and milk

    they pump so many steroids into the chickens and cows that it is no longer healthy to you

    NO cow should make *** much milk as companys make them

    No chicken should produce as many egs as the pumped ones do

  9. Milk and eggs are not byproducts of factory farming—they are the products of separate industries in which animals are treated as nothing more than baby-making machines, manipulated for their reproductive functions (all dairy cows and laying hens are female, of course).

    These animals, who want to lay eggs for the purpose of having chicks and want to produce milk for their babies, are instead treated like production units. They endure abuses that would warrant felony cruelty-to-animals charges if dogs or cats were the victims. The dairy and egg industries spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year to paint their products as wholesome and natural, thus keeping most Americans in the dark about what goes into every glass of milk and every package of eggs.

    They don’t want people to know that the veal industry—which chains baby cows inside tiny dark crates and slaughters them when they are just a few months old—relies on a dairy industry that has no use for male calves. They don’t want people to know that chickens raised for eggs are crammed into cages so small they can’t even spread a single wing and are starved for weeks to shock their bodies into another laying cycle.


    Milk Facts

        * Like all female mammals, cows produce milk for one reason—to feed their own babies.

        * Veal is a “byproduct” of the dairy industry. Male calves are taken from their mothers within a day of birth; all calves raised to become veal are the children of dairy cows

        * “Organic” dairy farms are often even worse than conventional dairy farms: Mother cows are still forcibly impregnated and forced to live mired in dirt and f***s, and their babies are still taken from them. Also, organic farms don’t always treat sick animals because medications would prevent them from being able to sell the milk as organic. Instead, they often simply keep sick and physically compromised animals around so that their milk can be sold to conventional dairies.

        * Researchers have shown that dairy-product consumption can lead to ailments including asthma, acne, diabetes, and even osteoporosis.


    Egg Facts

        * Chickens’ eggs are the byproduct of a chicken’s “menstrual” cycle. If fertilized, they would produce baby chicks.

        * Male chicks are worthless to the egg industry, so every year millions of them are tossed into trash bags to suffocate or are thrown alive into high-speed grinders called “macerators.”1

        * Egg-laying hens are all eventually slaughtered for their flesh. Their weak and emaciated bodies are made into soup or dog and cat food, or they are fed back to other chickens.

        * “Free-range” eggs are a marketing ploy—the free-range label is not subject to any USDA regulations, so “free-range” chickens endure miserable conditions, just as all animals used for food do.2

  10. That's a good question. Unfortunately, there's a lot of animal cruelty in the egg and dairy industries. The vast majority of egg-laying hens are crammed into wire cages so tiny that the birds can't even flap their wings. Male chicks don't produce eggs, so hatchery workers often throw the chicks into high-speed grinders while they're still conscious. Both chickens and cows are slaughtered when they stop producing a lot of eggs and milk.

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