
Question about when god created humans...?

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If god created us, and not evolution....then why does the human body have some flaws?

While our bodies truely are amazing things! And all the work that goes into just making us breathe is unreal! But...there are some flaws to the body that point to us NOT to have been created by god.

I asked a similar question a few days ago, but my example is:

Did you know when you look out your eye you actually see everything upside down? your brain then turns the imagine around the right way!

Why would god create our eyes this way? Why make it a hassle for your brain to have to flip around the image your eye create? why not just make the eye see the right way round in the first place?

And please dont say 'Who are we to question gods creations' i want real answers!!!




  1. i wondered why  we have a snotty running nose right above our mouth

    makes eating dinner and having a cold hard to handel

  2. Do a little study on the eye and you'll see that this is one thing evolutionists are stumped on. The Body is perfectly made!

    Do you know God said I formed you from the Earth and I breathed the breath of Life into you and he said that the life is in the blood!

    Now why is it the only thing on this planet that has no DNA is red blood cells? 25 trillion of them carry oxygen around the body.  

  3. It's just like a robot's view on the world. Do you think it will 'see' right immediately after you turn it on? You have to give it some "memory space", enough to contain details like "Avoid walls", "Do not harm", etc.

  4. And why do we have appendixes and wisdom teeth?

    The answer : We have EVOLVED to not need them anymore.

  5. Did you know when Peter found out he would be crucified upside down he saw it as a positive because that's reality, and the last time we experienced reality was when we were born (coming into the world upside down)?

    edit: also, I don't really understand why you think that's a flaw.

  6. Why would the brain have to flip the image around?  If since we first opened our eyes we viewed the world upside down, how would we know it was wrong?  Maybe we are seeing the world upside down now, and it looks normal (what we call right side up.)

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